Chapter 14- Bonjour, Paris

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Okay. So, this is just another filler chapter. I know it seems like there are a lot of those, but, like I said, I wanna try and include as many original scenes as I can. I don't want you guys to think that there's no point in reading this because you've seen Cars 2. I decided to get this up quickly because there's not a lot of action. Or any, really, but even so, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 14- Bonjour, Paris

Thanks to Siddeley's afterburners, the two spies and the two "spies" arrived in Paris in no time. Luckily, there was enough time for Fudge to get the gist of what was going on during this particular mission. A group of villains led by an unknown leader had created a World Grand Prix TV camera, which was somehow being used as a weapon. What it did, however, they weren't sure just yet, but Fudge was nervous that they were trying to sabotage the race that her brother was competing in. She just hoped that he would be okay.

And apparently, the photo of the engine was supposed to reveal the mystery leader, who was running the entire operation, but like Fudge said, it left them with more questions than answers. That was why they were going to Paris. To find the answers that they were looking for.

"Where's my bag?" Fudge wanted to know once they disembarked Siddeley.

"Your bag?" Finn repeated, perplexed.

"The one I checked at the airport in Tokyo", she clarified.

Finn just looked blank.

"Oh, no!" Fudge moaned. She really hoped that she could get that bag back! Uncle Doc was in there!

Although she was concerned, she tried not to worry. This kind of thing had happened with one of Babbo's suitcases when they travelled to Italy before. Her bag would probably be returned to the address on the luggage tag.

Besides, Paris did turn out to be a great distraction.

"Wow!" she exclaimed as she rode in Mater's truck bed through the city streets. "I can't believe it! We're in Paris! This is so cool! I've always wanted to come here!" (Fudge had owned an atlas for quite a long time and, after spending ages looking at different countries and cities, really wanted to go to a lot of places). "The Eiffel Tower, crepes, the Catacombs..."

Finn had overheard what she was talking about "That's not why we're here, Fudge", he informed her in a deadpan, not even bothering to turn around and look at her.

Fudge hung her head guiltily. "Yeah. I know." She turned back to Mater and mumbled, "Party pooper", nodding in the direction of Finn, making both of them giggle.

But hey, at least she got the chance to see the Eiffel Tower. That was something she had always wanted to see. Fudge sat in the back of Mater's truck bed, looking around at this amazing city. She still had her phone (brand new for the WGP trip, so she could use it in emergencies) in her backpack, so she used it to take photos. She wasn't exactly the best photographer and a lot of them were blurry, but at least you could tell what they were supposed to be of.

"This is just so awesome!" she cried, unable to contain her excitement as she snapped photo after photo. "Just wait till the others find out that we've been here!"

"Yeah, they'll be so dad-gum happy fer us!" Mater agreed.

She also made sure to include herself and Mater in some of the pictures to prove that they were really there and not just taken off the Internet or something with her claiming that they'd been to Paris.

There were mimes, artists and they went past the Louvre. They didn't have any time to go in and have a look, obviously, but Fudge still thought that it was pretty cool that she'd seen it.

Yet after what Finn had told her and her fearful thoughts on board the plane, Fudge just couldn't rid herself of the fact that this wasn't a vacation. Or even a simple business trip. This was an international spy mission.

"Hey! Mater!" Fudge hissed to her friend once she was positive that Holley and Finn couldn't hear them. After all, they were a fair bit behind.

"Yeah, Fudge?"

"I need to ask you an important question."

"Shoot, whatcha wanna ask?" Mater wanted to know.

"What are we doing?"

"We're on a secret mission!" Mater cried. Holley and Finn turned to stare at him, but, fortunately, nobody else did.

"Mater, we shouldn't be doing this!" Fudge murmured.

Confusion took over the tow truck's face. "Why not?"

Then he caught a glimpse of the fear evident in the child's eyes. Mater and Fudge shared a lot of pretty similar personality traits. Both the human girl and tow truck were clumsy, naïve, easily distracted, loud, talkative and albeit a little immature. However, they were also both kind, loyal, honest, goofy and energetic. Still, they did have some differences in their characteristics like Fudge was a lot more shy, sensitive and reserved than Mater. So, he could easily understand why she was afraid to be where she was.

"Look, this isn't like those games we played back in Radiator Springs", Fudge reminded him. "This is real stuff! We don't belong here! I'm really scared here!"

"So..." Mater's face fell. "So, you're sayin' this ain't Radiator Springs?"

Fudge nodded seriously. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

Mater lowered his hood. He remembered Lightning saying the exact same thing to him and meant he should act different. He didn't realise that Fudge only meant, Be careful because we don't know what to expect.

"Well, what is we gonna do?" Mater questioned.

Fudge ripped open a Snickers bar she'd found in her backpack and thought about it as she chewed. "We-ell", she began, her mouth still full, "I guess we can't just ditch Holley and Finn, especially if they think we're spies. Let's just stay with 'em for now and try to convince 'em we aren't spies. If we can, then we can head home or to the next race or something. We'll figure that part out when- or if- we get to it."

"Okay", Mater agreed, nodding. It seemed like a good plan and he couldn't come up with a better one.

"I just want you to promise me one, no two things."

Mater looked at her curiously. "What's that?"

"Be careful and that we stick together- no matter what."

"You got it, Fudge", Mater promised sincerely. He could tell how afraid Fudge was about all of this. "I won't let nothin' happen to ya."

"Good, because Papà and Babbo would tear you apart if you did", Fudge joked, referring to just how protective her adoptive fathers were of her, which was a lot.

Mater laughed. So did Fudge. She didn't know about Mater, but to her, the laughter felt good. While she was still afraid about what could possibly happen, it was good to know that she had her older brother by her side.

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