Chapter 12- Sayonara, Suckers!

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There is a fair bit of implied swearing in this chapter, but I've used asterisks instead of the actual words (like this: s**t). I just don't feel comfortable writing the actual words, but I imagine that the character does a lot of cursing, so...

Okay, on with da show!

Chapter 12- Sayonara, Suckers!

"Whoa!" Fudge hollered, closing her eyes and clinging onto the edge of Mater's truck bed for her life as she felt them sailing through the air.

Then, when they hit the ground, she bounced a little and was slammed back down hard.

"Owww!" she moaned as they started speeding down the runway.

"This is first-class service!" Mater declared, sounding impressed. "You don't even have to go through the terminal!" Then a moment later, he reported, "Your karate partners is back here! Kinda look like they're tryin' to catch up!"

Karate partners? Fudge turned to see that the Gremlin and Pacer were coming down the runway after them. Where was that human? Fudge took a quick scan of the area, but she couldn't see her.

"Drive forward!" Finn instructed. "Whatever you do, don't stop!"

"Whoa!" Fudge shouted again as Finn skidded, causing Mater to whirl around.

Now, Mater was towing Finn across the runway. Good thing too. After what she'd seen him do the night before, Fudge was certain that Finn could eliminate their pursuers.

The next five minutes were packed with more thrilling action than Fudge had ever witnessed in her entire life. It all just happened so fast that Fudge barely had time to take one thing in before another occurred. The first thing was Mater nearly driving right into the path of a plane trying to take off. The Gremlin narrowly avoided the plane as well. And was aiming a rocket launcher right at them!

Luckily, Finn knew just what to do. He released some kind of jack that lifted this Gremlin up and tipped him sideways. He was knocked onto his roof and still ended up launching the missile.

"Incoming!" Fudge yelped as it headed straight for them!

But again, Finn knew exactly what he was doing. He intercepted it with a missile of his own.

BOOM! The two missiles collided and caused a massive explosion!

"Holy moly!" Fudge shrieked, ducking down until the intense inferno had died down. "This is insane!" She'd always kinda wanted to look cool, walking away from an explosion like people did in movies, but based on how she was feeling in that moment, she knew that that would never happen.

"Is everythin' okay back there?!" Mater called.

"I don't think so!" Fudge responded.

"Finn, it's Sid", another British accent radioed. "I'm on approach."

"Roger that", Finn replied.

Fudge glanced up to see a sleek, silver jet soaring above them. But there was someone else taking to the skies: a black helicopter. That wasn't the issue, but who was in the helicopter was what scared Fudge. She stood on the edge of her helicopter, the wind blowing her rainbow hair behind her. Now, she didn't have just a regular gun, but a rocket launcher of her own!

"All right, you son of a b**ch!" she muttered, angling the launcher just right. "I got you right where I want you!"

Oh, God! Fudge thought, her heart thumping even more than it already was.

"Uh... Finn?!" she called fearfully.

"What is it?!" he demanded.

She pointed upwards. "Aerial attack!"

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