Chapter 8- Tokyo Race

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"Japan, land of the rising sun!" the RSN announcer's opening speech rang out on television sets across the world as well as on the monitors above the track. "Where ancient tradition meets modern technology. Welcome to the inaugural running of the World Grand Prix! I'm Brent Mustangburger, here with racing legends, Darrell Cartrip and David Hobbscap. There has never been a competition like this before. First, Allinol, making its debut tonight as the required fuel for all these great champions. Second, the course itself, it is like nothing we've ever seen before. David, how exactly does this competition work?"

"Well, Brent..." David Hobbscap went on to explain what could be expected from the three tracks in Japan, Italy and England including straightaways, technical turns and a dirt section.

Meanwhile, Lightning and the other racers were leaving the pits and heading towards the track. Fudge, back in the garage, was clutching her pom-poms, eyes glued to the monitors, hanging on the three commentators' every word. She couldn't believe her ears when David Hobbscap declared Francesco Bernoulli as the best in the competition. Brent Mustangburger said nothing, but looked like he agreed with David. No way!

"In my opinion, McQueen is the best all-round racer in this competition!" Darrell Cartrip stated.

"Amen to that!" Fudge yelled, pointing to the monitor.

"Really, Darrell", David answered after shaking his hood. "I think you need to clean your windshield. You're clearly not seeing this for what it is. Francesco's race to lose."

"Hey, you're the one who needs to clean his windshield, buddy!" Fudge shouted.

"Fudge", Luigi scolded mildly. "Calm down."

"The racers are making their way towards the starting line", trackside reporter, Bliss Chaplin informed viewers, sounding pretty excited herself. "Eleven race cars, and three human riders, representing ten countries; three races; three countries; two continents, but only one winner. I think we're in for some fantastic racing over the next few days!"

"It's time to find out", Brent announced. "The racers are locking into the grid."

And so, they were. All of them were at the starting line. Lightning was at the back next to (*shudders*) Francesco. Lightning closed his eyes and murmured softly to himself. Fudge couldn't hear him, but had to smile as she could see him mouthing, Speed. I. Am. Speed. Fudge could then hear the sound of Francesco laughing and didn't like where that was going. Fudge cringed, once again experiencing second-hand embarrassment; she would've just died if that had happened to her. On top of that, she felt her face flame at Francesco's antics. Even though she couldn't hear what Francesco was saying, his cocky grin said it all. The young girl narrowed her eyes, but didn't do anything else since the race was starting.

"Here come the lights", came Brent Mustangburger's voice as the lights turned green and the racers took off like bullets from a gun.

"BOOGITY, BOOGITY, BOOGITY! LET'S GO RACING, BOYS!" Darrell Cartrip yelled out his catchphrase.

Fudge forgot about Francesco and couldn't help but feel excited. The World Grand Prix was officially underway.

As the racers zoomed across the track, Fudge's cheerleading act also got into full swing. It was always fun to cheer her older brother on in that way and doing so in this once-in-a-lifetime sporting event was an exciting, overwhelming honour for Fudge.

"Ready?!" Fudge cried. "Okay!" Then, dancing around the garage, waving her pom-poms around as she always did, she began chanting:

"Hey! Listen to me! I'm on the mike!

"Whatcha gonna do when the Lightning strike?!

"I said, whatcha gonna do when the Lightning strike?!

When Life Gives You LemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora