Chapter 1- McQueen's Back

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Ka-chow! Hi there, fellow Cars fans! Here is my rewrite of Fudge in Cars 2!

This time, some things are going to be a little different.)

Oh, and just in case you need it, here's a reminder of the Easter eggs in the story:

1. A113

2. The official release date of the movie I am writing about

3. The date I saw the movie I am writing about at the movies

Disclaimer: I think you already know, as much as it pains me to say it, that I do not own Cars or Cars 2. So far, all I own in this one is Fudge and this new human OC.

So, I sincerely hope you enjoy...

When Life Gives You Lemons

Chapter 1- McQueen's Back!

"Fudge!" a familiar southern accent called into the ear of the human girl. "FUDGE!"

"Mmmpph..." she mumbled, irritated to find a familiar, rusty, dented, buck-toothed tow truck in front of her. "What?!"

"You done fell asleep!"

Fudge rolled over to face away from Mater. "I was tired..."

Mater rolled her back over. "But we ain't done havin' fun!"

"I am! I'm tired!" Fudge groaned

As much as she wanted to sleep, Fudge did feel sorry for Mater. His best friend, Lightning McQueen, had been away at racing events for several weeks and the tow truck really missed him. Now, Fudge was filling in for him on Mater's many adventures, which was how she ended up in his junkyard for a sleepover. It was a job took a lot out of the eleven-year-old, but it wouldn't have been so bad if Mater would just let her sleep!

"C'mon, Fudge!" Mater shook her again. "We ain't done havin' fun yet!"

"Fine!" she sighed. "What are we doing now?!"

"Mater, no!" Fudge groaned when she realised where they were. The tractor field.

"C'mon, Fudge! Tractor tippin's fun!" the tow truck insisted.

"Mater! I just wanna go to bed!" the human girl in his truck bed, still half asleep, whined.

"But we is gotta have fun!"

"Can't it wait till morning?!"


Well, Fudge was just about falling asleep again anyway. She woke up a few seconds later to the loud sound of Mater honking his horn and bolted up immediately.

"I'm awake!" she shouted.

But Mater wasn't paying any attention to her. He was too busy watching, with great glee, the mooing tractor as it tipped over. When it backfired, the tow truck burst out laughing.

"Tractors sure is dumb!" he declared.

"Okay, let's go home", Fudge yawned.

"But we ain't done!" Mater protested. "That was only one tractor!"

"Mater!" Fudge groaned. Personally, as funny as it was, she thought that tractor tipping was cruel and kinda dangerous. Sometimes, she'd be willing to humour him, but not at... What time was it?

"One more!" he promised. "One more!"

Fudge didn't know why she agreed to it when she knew that it would be more than one more (it always was with Mater). Although, at any rate, she did. There was no way she was getting back to sleep now. So, she got out of Mater's truck bed and laughed with him as one by one, the tractors toppled over.

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