Chapter 9 - Jeopardy

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The final days in their preparation passed by quickly. Their U.S. handler told them she was impressed at how realistic their intimacy came across. "Who said we we're acting?" Sonja retorted. She laughed and then they did too.

Those last days in the States were heaven to them. They could show their love to each other freely without questioning eyes. More than one person told them how great they looked together and how well they were 'selling' that they were a couple.

They took an afternoon United flight out of Dulles. Eight hours later, they landed at Rhein-Main airport in Frankfurt. Most Germans speak English due to the long time presence of American troops in the former West Germany. The Germans appreciated the fact that when Americans tried to speak their language but the LaSalle's were happy to be able to converse in English.

They met their German partner the next day. Aaron Ahrens was born in France. His mother had escaped Auschwitz and his father lived through the horror of Buchenwald. Aaron's father was a doctor. After war the family went to France where Aaron learned French fluently. His parents only spoke German in the home when he was a child.

Fortunately the LaSalle's had access to a number of secure facilities in country since there were so many American bases throughout the country so staying in touch with their superiors and personal support was not a problem.

Sonja and Christopher managed to "christen" every hotel room that they rented in Germany. Sonja told Chris one day that she wondered who gets a 45 day paid honeymoon."

The mission progressed along and it was time to move into a more dangerous portion of the operation. Chris and Sonja finally decided that they needed to tell someone in their chain of command about their legal arrangement. They had prearranged for Tammy to send the Director a secure message after they sent her one saying "now is the time". They spoke to him on the screen two days later. If looks could kill then they knew that they would both be dead. He only mentioned that they needed to stay focused on the mission and that they would meet when we were back in country.

The dominoes in Germany also began to fall. They finally reached the lieutenant in the operation who was in Hong Kong. Sonja and Chris were set up in an apartment in an area where a lot of westerners' families lived. Mrs. Lafayette was known for her furs.

Aaron had flown into Hong Kong two days after them. They had all been there two weeks when Chris arranged a face to face meeting with the MI6 operative. With their plans confirmed, Chris headed back to meet with Aaron at their flat. He stopped to get some flowers to surprise his wife with.

LaSalle knew something was wrong as soon as he came through the door. Sonja greeted him way too enthusiastically by calling him the wrong name. "Hey City Mouse, looks like you forgot the wine."

"Oh my" he respond as he planted his feet. "I guess I did. So who's our guest?"

"Aaron's friend. She met him on his flight the other day." Aaron had been clear that he did not know anyone in Hong Kong except the M16 agent that he had just left so LaSalle was left wondering who this mystery woman was.

"I forgot what you were cooking."

"Just some big old meatballs you know how I love them."

Now he knew something was wrong. Sonja doesn't eat meat. "So what else would you need honey" he asks.

"Let me think. Oh, by the way" Sonja says. "King called while you were out. The kids were with him tonight CJ & Emily."

"What's up with the kids" he asks suspiciously.

"I guess Emily has a new boyfriend. He works at that new bar 'The Veranda'. You know that dump." The veranda is what King calls his sleeping porch and Sonja doesn't call Pride 'King'. Okay, there are three of them down here and one more upstairs LaSalle summarizes. "CJ says he's taking care of Sabastian for us just fine.

"Sabastian is a bulldog we have Aaron" Sonja says. Bulldog is what Sonja called her gun. "I was always tripping over it. He would always brush against my leg." That meant Sonja had her gun strapped to her thigh. "We had a cat too. Comet hated the dog"

"Yeah I had a cat at one time too. Stayed on my nerves too. Always hiding someplace." Aaron chimes in So Aaron remembers that we have a gun under the sink.

"How many bottles Sonja" LaSalle asks.

"Three should be okay." She has three clips of ammo. LaSalle started for the door.

"No kiss good bye for you wife" she asks?

"Oh new love" Aaron says. Just as Chris went to grab Sonja, she turns and they turn the table over. Aaron dove for the sink as a shot rings out. Sonja fires at the bedroom door hitting one of the gunmen as the other one came out of the bathroom. Aaron nailed him. LaSalle got the woman at the table before she could get to her gun. Suddenly the fourth gun man burst through the window guns a blazing. His gun jams and just as Sonja stood up he pulled out a hand gun and turned her way. Aaron threw himself on Sonja and took the rounds intended for her. LaSalle shot the fourth guy with everything that he had left.

LaSalle rushes to Aaron's side and saw what appeared to be a fatal wound in his chest. "Thank you Aaron he cried out. "Thank you for saving my wife." As LaSalle held him, he slipped away from this earth.

Suddenly Sonja's ear piece started up with chatter. "Lafayette we're coming in."

"MI6 is here" Sonja said as Chris turns his attention back to Aaron.

It didn't take long for the medical personal to arrive but he knew it was too late. Chris pulled Sonja into his arms as they took Aaron's body way.

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