Chapter 4 - Catch up

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"So I forgot to ask you if you missed me" Sonja inquires with a mischievous look on her face?"

"Yes we miss you Percy, it's so quiet without you!"

"So how is everybody? Pride? Did he get it together yet?"

"He's really working on it Percy. I wish you give the guy a break."

"What about my girl?" No response. "Chris, Chris, look at me. How's Tammy? I heard about the kidnapping. When I called her she changed the subject."

"She was having some issues before that" he spoke up. "The agency psychologist made her go to counseling after the kidnapping."

"Wait Chris. Hold that thought we're here at the restaurant. Do you mind if we just do take out?"

"Sure Percy, that sounds fine. I heard about this fabulous place that you're supposed to have".

Later at Percy's Condo

"Now tell me about my girl Chris" Sonja asks with intensity?

"She started spinning out right after you left. You know Tammy she can deflect and come back at you in a different direction and keep you frustrated."

"Unlike me, huh?" Percy says as she rolls her eyes at LaSalle.

"Sabastian nailed it first. Evidentially she had a series of one night stands. I noted she hadn't always showered when she came in."

"I guess I could have done better keeping touch with her but, but..." Sonja sputters out.

"But what Percy" LaSalle asks sarcastically as he tries to stare a hole through Percy?"

"But I thought that I really needed a clean break."

"You mean from me, right" he says with more intensity.

"Don't LaSalle. We're supposed to be enjoying our reunion right now. Let me grab a quick shower. I'll put the food in the warmer"

"Man I feel a lot better" Percy says as she re-enters the room. "I usually run at this time of day but I guess one day won't kill me. Hey the wine glasses are over there" she says pointing.

LaSalle leans forward and takes a deep breath as Percy passes by and catches a whiff of the soap on her skin and then smiles.

"What was that looking for?"

"Oh, I just had a memory."

"A memory with a smile like that?"

"Well it was about you" he responds"


"Yes, every morning when you would get into my truck I could smell that soap on your skin."

"What are you doing LaSalle?" She ask as he moves toward her

"Something I should have done a long time ago." Chris responds still closing the distance between them.

"Chris don't." Percy said with a very weak protest.

"Don't what. Don't kiss you here or touch your neck here. If you really want me to stop just say so Sonja"

"The food."

"It'll wait." Chris says as he peppers her neck and throat with kisses."

"Okay LaSalle let's eat before the food gets too dry."

"If you insist" he says as he lets her back out of his affectionate embrace "but I assure you we will come back to this. I don't suppose you have any Bonnie Raitt or Faith Hill" he asks?

"The computer is on the other side of that wall. You can put it on the sound system."

After they eat LaSalle goes in and changes the music to a song that he could have written 'Give Into Me'.  "Come here and dance with me Percy"

With his arms around Percy LaSalle says"I have really missed you City Mouse."

"I can see." Sonja exclaims.

"You don't really expect me to be this close to you like this and not have my body respond do you?" he asks.

"I don't know what to think Chris. The last thing that I expected today was to see you again." Stepping out of his arms Sonja says. "Look let's just dial it back and call Gregorio."

"Alright if that's what you want."

"Hey Tammy."

"Hey LaSalle what's up?"

"Look who I ran into" he says as he moves his phone."

"Sonja, Sonja how are you?" Tammy exclaims.

"I'm fine but I don't know why you needed me and didn't call?"

"Thanks big mouth Chris." Tammy responds.

"Tammy I will always be here for you. Sorry that we can't tell you what's going on here.

"Well I'm just glad to see that the mouse twins are back together." They chat for a few minutes and then Tammy says "Hey guys, I have to go. Good seeing you both."

"Look Chris, I probably need to get you back to the hotel. We have a long day tomorrow with the mission prep" as she stands up.

"All right Percy. Just so you know that I would like to stay a while longer."

"Not today Chris. First I still have laundry to catch up with. Second, you can't stay any longer because I may be tempted not to let you go" she says with half a smile.

"Well will you give me a good night kiss?"

"I guess if that will get you out the door."

Sonja found the soul station and before she turned up the music she says "take a good look. You're probably going to need to know how to get back to your hotel in the dark eventually."

LaSalle turned his head, looked out the window and smiled broadly to himself.

"We're here Country Mouse. Good night and rest well. Say I can just pick you up on the way in tomorrow."

"I think that that would be just fine Percy."

"Okay, I'll see you at 7."

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