"You know, " the Multi Man continued, "I used to look up to Psychwatch. I thought being part of the System would do me good. You doctor-cops are omnipresent yet incredibly selective...almost like God. Or Allah. Or Shiva. Or all the other deities that let me down just as much as you have. In fact, I have a question for you, Commissioner. Do you believe in a higher power? You and your fellow officers?"

"Sir," Mason barked, "please cut off your connection and turn yourself in. You'll be doing yourself a favor."

"I'm doing you all a favor right now by staying connected. If you cut me off, the rest of the city goes offline. You understand? Now answer the question. Do you believe in a higher power?"

"Of course not. I'd rather believe that no god exists rather than one that does nothing to use their powers for the greater good."

"And the rest of your officers?"

"Agnostic," Holden replied, and Margo and Nikki agreed with him.

"I was raised Catholic, " Andrade chimed in, "but how is this important right now?"

"Because, Psychwatch, there's been so much bugging me lately about mankind and the ways they establish what kinds of beings are superior over them."

"Uh, Commissioner, " Margo said nervously, "there are several masked men entering the rally wearing oversized coats. I think they're hiding something underneath them."

The Multi Man remained on the roof of his little watchtower, pacing back and forth as he anticipated the arrival of Hell on earth. "Interesting little fact, " he continued, "did you know that atheism has been the fastest-growing religion in the United States for the last twenty years? It's understandable really. Why would anyone believe the force that created the world is a benevolent one considering everything that's been happening? If it really wants to put us out of our misery, why is it taking its time to let us suffer before we finally go silent?"

More gunfire sounded. "Hostiles neutralized at the corner of Fifth Street!" Andrade shouted. "Illegal firearms were found in their vehicle. Proceed with caution!"

"But after a while, " the Multi Man said, not a single worry plaguing his thoughts, "I realized that people don't care for God anymore because they're too busy suffering to care about anyone else. You all know this, Psychwatch. These people you try so hard to protect don't give two shits about anyone other than themselves. They're all a bunch of delusional, hedonistic wrecks who never ponder a single thought about the work required to fix themselves."

"That's not true," Mason replied. "There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who trust us and understand the importance of working to improve themselves. It is ultimately their choice whether they decide to overcome their conditions, but not everyone is as hopeless as you claim them to be."

"Their choice, huh? So they either sacrifice their thoughts and freedom to your System or they stay outside it and eventually get hunted down by either you or someone more unhinged than they are."

"I don't appreciate your ignorance, sir. Not all of our patients are violent nor are all of our officers. Most of us are hurting just as much as anyone else and would never even consider harming another human being."

"Tell me, how many lives have you taken in your line of work?"

Mason paused. "I was gonna ask you the same thing."

The Multi Man chuckled. "Same as you. Can't settle on one solid answer. The number is always rising, more so when people assume they can say no to me."

"Will someone please trace the source of this call?" Mason hissed.

"W-W-We're trying, ma'am, " Nikki whimpered. "Royce and Maslow are better at this than we are."

Another round of gunfire thundered in the Multi Man's earpiece. "We got the hostiles!" Margo shouted. "Andrade's been hit. We're escorting her and the teens to safety. Holden, Nikki, get out of there!"

"No!" their commissioner barked again. "They're safer in their current position than anywhere else in the park."

"Don't lie to them, Commissioner, " the Multi Man added in his cold, inhuman voice. "No one in this rally is safe, especially not you and your fellow officers."

"That's enough! Tell us what you're doing here or you will be marked for immediate execution!"

"You're the higher power, Psychwatch. And today is the day I render you as nothing more than the animals you've been hunting all this time."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You still don't get it?"

A series of slow footsteps sounded behind the Multi Man. He turned his head away from his perfect view of the rally, and he was greeted by a single arm extending out of the shadows toward him like a sinister creature welcoming him to the darkest parts of his imagination. He caught a small glimpse of the Psychwatch logo on the stranger's coat as he took the detonator from their hand.

"You don't bleed, Psychwatch," he continued, "but you will. Fujioka and Lynch did, and so will you. People curse you when they know they have no control over themselves, but they also praise you until they no longer need you. And they only do it because they know that in the end, they'll never be as powerful as you."

"The Scans are coming back," Holden chirped. "Holy shit! Thirty Threat Level 5's have been detected!"

"Trace the source of the call now!" Mason shrieked.

"They'd prefer if you never existed. And others would just like to see it come to an end. Kill something they don't even believe exists or should exist. Because once you're gone, Psychwatch, humanity can finally take its course and never recover from its own self-destruction."

"Eighty Threat Level 5's detected!"

"So don't you see, Psychwatch? By protecting these people, you've only made it that much easier to raise Hell. Because you are the higher power."


"You. Are. God."

And with the mention of God's name and a click of a button on the detonator, the Multi Man proceeded to raise Hell.

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