Male!Playful!Wolf pup x Female!Shy!Wolf pup!Reader

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(So, this time I decided to make it a Male!Character x Female!Reader kind of thing. This is just for this chapter (as far as I know) and the rest will be to where the Reader is referred to as They/Them and is basically non-binary-)

You were known to be a very shy wolf pup. You had a hard time opening up or even talking to other pups, despite your parents trying. You just felt like you'd be teased or judged for liking certain things, saying certain stuff or anything of the sort. The only ones you opened up to were your parents, siblings and your best friend, a playful pup named Zero.

Zero was wild natured and very energetic, rarely seen even sitting, or staying still for any matter. You two met when your parents brought you along to meet with the Alphas of another Pack, your parents being Alphas of the one you currently lived in. It was for discussion of the rivalry between other Packs and ways to keep them away from each other's territories.

Zero was their pup, and just like you, he was destined to be Alpha one day, being the oldest of his siblings. He just sat right next to you and started to talk, to which you stayed quiet. But, eventually, you started to comment, or agree verbally. Then, it turned to full on conversation and you two rolling around in the dirt, playing. Boy, were your parents surprised. Despite you having to leave to go home, you two were promised to each other that you would see one another again.

Today, your parents were going back to talk again with the same Pack. They were bringing not only you, but all your siblings along, as well. "So, who's this Zero you keep talking about, (Y/N)?" Your twin brother, (B/N), asked you. You turned your head to him with a small wolf-like smile. "He's the pup of the Alphas. You know, in the Pack were going to meet up with?" You replied, a little quiet but trying to make sure you were loud enough to be heard.

(B/N) nodded, smirking a little. "Ooohhh, so you mean your Mate?" He asked, to which you got a little embarrassed and let out a small squeak in response. "What the heck, (B/N)?! Leave (Y/N) alone! If she wants to be friends with a male pup, then that's fine!" One of your sisters, (S/N), snarled at (B/N) with a glare. He just glared back and backed off, while (S/N) walked over to your other side. "Ignore him, sis. You know how much of a tease he can be. He just... doesn't take your shyness into consideration. That's all!"

"Heh... yeah. Thanks, (S/N)." You thanked your sister as she rubbed her head against your slightly, then she went back over to another of your guys' brothers. You silently smiled a little to yourself, excited to see your friend after a few days. Well, your parents brought you to meet up with him, and vice versa. You two had visited each other a few days ago, but you had to admit it was enough to make you miss him.

When you saw the camp in sight, you wanted to rush in. The only thing that stopped you from doing so was the fact your parents wouldn't be too happy about that, and you didn't want to draw too much attention to yourself from the Pack. So, you walked calmly with your family as you all continued. After gaining access, you all went past the wolves who were guarding the territory. Who else was waiting for you but the two other Alphas and Zero.

"(Y/N)! You came! And with a bunch of pups I've never seen before! Wait..." he stopped, looking around at each of your siblings in confusion. You also looked at them, then back at Zero in realization. "Oh! Zero, these are my siblings!" You responded, and you also started to introduce him to them. Without you knowing, he started to smile silently, finding it sweet how you talked so fondly of them while telling their names.

"Wow! You sure love your family, huh? I admire that!" He admitted, still smiling to the best of his abilities. You looked down, a little flustered. "T-thank you, Zero... yes, I love them more than life itself!" You responded. Zero just let out a wolf-like laugh before jumping forward, and you two started to roll around together playfully.

This was the way you hoped it would always be, even when you two did grow up to lead your Packs.

(Sorry for updating this so much during these past few days, I'll try to lay off of it and work on other stuff-)

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