Hunter!Loner!Wolf x Human!Reader

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You were any normal kid on your street: young, loved to play outside and sometimes explore the forest when you were bored. There was a forest at the back of your house, at the edge of your property and everyone else's. It was very big, making it so any kid your age could easily get lost.

That's exactly your situation right now: lost in that forest. You were holding yourself right now, since it was becoming dark out and you were a little cold. It was in the middle of Autumn, so the air was slightly chilly. And you refused to take your jacket. A bad idea, now that you think about it.

As you were walking, you saw a tree nearby, where the roots were intertwined at the bottom in what seemed big enough for you to wriggle into. Without much hesitation, you walked over, getting down and crawling into that spot. You got yourself comfy as you wiggled around, trying to get into it. You shut your eyes, seeing as you couldn't do anything but fall asleep and hope you didn't get mauled by a wild animal, or wish that your parents would somehow find you by some miracle. 'Never again. Never. EVER.' You thought to yourself as you slowly drifted into sleep, shivering slightly from the cold air as an owl cried out into the night.

When you woke up, it was slightly foggy out, but not enough to the point you couldn't see anything ahead. You noticed a mound in front of you, heck, almost on top of you! It was huge. As you sat up, finding a little difficulty in doing so as you struggled, you felt around the pile of... fur? It was a pile of soft fur, black as night. You looked to the left to see a soft tail, laying idly against the ground. Then as you looked to the right, you stopped all movement all together and stared in surprise and slight fear.

It was a wolf. A wolf was laying on top of your little legs, keeping you warm.

You saw its snout atop its huge and powerful front legs, it's eyes shut. It was breathing quietly, it's pelt moving up and down in a pattern that never ended. You felt that staying still would help, but curiosity got the best of you, and you felt yourself starting to pet its soft fur. 'This must be its shelter...' You thought, looking behind you to see the tree still there.

You looked back, now seeing the wolf move slightly here and there. You froze when you saw its eyes open slowly, revealing their yellow-amber hues. The eye then turned to you, along with its head. It stared at you, and curiosity was plastered across its face.

"MOM! DAD! HELP!" You yelled out, startling the wolf. It jumped up, moving away from you, its ears flattened. You scooted up against the tree, trying to put as much space as you could between it and you. You both stared at each other yet again, the silence becoming uncomfortable. Both of you refused to move until the other did.

You calmed down, seeing as the wolf wasn't doing anything. You sat against the side of the tree, and it flattened to the ground until it was sitting upright. The staring never ceased, and the awkward silence was getting more uncomfortable by the second. So you did the only thing you could do: crawl out of the roots and walk up to the wolf.

It seemed tense as you approached it, but you only pay its head gently. It closed its eyes, pushing its head gently into your hand. Everything was now calm, just you and that wolf, sitting there as you pet its soft fur. You then stepped back and faced it.

"Hello. My name is (Y/N)." You greeted with a smile. The wolf cocked its head, then barked slightly as it stood and nosed your shirt. You giggled from its wet nose rubbing against your arms, and it stepped back again. It's tongue hung out, kinda like a dog would. That gave you an idea.

"I'm gonna give you a name! How about... Balto?" You has watched the movie, and you loved watching all the dogs and wolves. You didn't understand the true meaning behind it or that it was a true story, but it was one of your favorites nonetheless (if not, then just pretend). Balto barked happily, seeming to like the name. He nosed your shirt, whining as he started to walk away. He looked back at you expectantly, towards your questioning look.

He barked, making you flinch slightly at the sound. He came up and nosed your shirt again, turning around and doing the same thing. You followed him, seeing as that's what he probably wanted. He walked by your side, his paw steps matching your steps. You didn't know where he was taking you, but you followed anyways.

Eventually, you two reached a spot where the trees subsided and you saw your house. Your parents were nearby, out in the street looking for you and asking some of the kids different questions. You were filled with excitement to go home, but you looked down at Balto in sadness. "I've got to go... but I'll come back, okay? I'll come back!" You bent down and wrapped your arms around his neck in a hug. He whimpered as he looked up at you before turning and running away into the forest. You ran the opposite way, towards your house. As you started to get closer, you heard a distant howl and smiled.

(This was terrible as well :D idfk + idfc tho I guess)

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