Chapter 25

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(A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN LIKE EONSSSS. I've made a chapter update schedule, so Imma be on it now!)


He looked back and waved at Uraraka from the door, before closing the gate and making his way home.

So many questions swirled around in his very overactive brain; he didn't know what one to listen to first. He knew one thing for sure though...he had to ask All Might to help Uraraka. He couldn't believe that she had been through all of that and he couldn't get to her sooner. He didn't often voice his inner pandemonium, but it was eating him up. His guilt consumed him, preferring to attack when he was alone. He would often study with Uraraka; they would often go out on day trips together. It affected him and Iida's relationship the most. It didn't feel right without her, so, too consumed by their grief, they drifted apart. Izuku was nervous about telling Uraraka this, but he opted to worry about it later, there were more important things at hand.

He looked up; the sky had already darkened, the sun was long gone. He looked around, beginning to recognize his surroundings; the familiarity of his neighborhood was comforting to him. He had grown up here and without realizing it, the neighborhood had grown with him. Modern houses lined the street; the pot-holes he had remembered from the road were now patched up. He had grown so much as well. He had gone from having nobody but his mother, to having a class full of friends. He was All Might's successor for Christ Sake! He had become the person he had always wanted to be, and he still had so much more to come. He felt guilty for it. While his life had been improving over the past year, Uraraka's was hell.

His body had subconsciously stopped outside the gate of his house. He took a deep breath before pushing open the rickety, old iron gate; it creaked with abandon. He may or may not have forgotten to mention that he wouldn't be home straight after school to his mum. Bakugou had made it clear that NOBODY could know about Uraraka's location, so Izuku didn't know what to tell her. He was terrible at lying and it was extremely obvious in person. He had made his bed, now he had to lay in it.

He pushed his key into the lock, slowly turning it. When the door clicked open, he let out a sigh of relief. If he didn't wake up his mum, he may be able to come up with a lie by tomorrow. Izuku closed the door quietly, resting his back to lean against it afterwards. Just as he was convinced that he had made it, a light flicked on. His eyes darted to the source. The light belonged to an old lamp in the corner of the room. It was next to an armchair, an armchair that his mum was sitting in.

"Izuku Midoriya." She said slowly, letting out a sharp breath.

Izuku bit his lip and rubbed the back of his head. He was not prepared for this.

"Uh, hi, mu-"

"Where have you been?" She demanded, narrowing her eyes.

The teen looked around nervously, stumbling on his words. "A-All might... I was t-training with All Might and I wasn't keeping track of ti-"

"Is that so?" The computer chair next to the armchair suddenly spun around, revealing a pissed looking Toshinori.

"A-All Might!..." Izuku scrunched up his face, not knowing what to do.

"Now, let try that again." He said sternly. "Where. have. you. been?"

Izuku muttered incoherently; he wasn't used to doubled up parent confrontation. He looked at them both again. He could see that behind the anger, they were worried out of their minds.

Izuku sighed and held his hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay." He took a deep breath before walking over to them.

Izuku explained exactly what was going on with Uraraka, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to keep it from his mother and All Might needed to know anyway. The story earned a few gasps and eye widens from them both. Inko had tears in her eyes that she repeatedly had to wipe away with her sleeve.

"B-But that's horrible!" She exclaimed, her eyebrows furrowed. "How could anyone do that to another person?"

Toshinori was silent. This was worrying Izuku. He didn't know how he would react to this news, especially as he hadn't really planned his explanation. Izuku hung his head. He didn't even know what to think, he certainly didn't blame Toshinori for not knowing either. She was his student; it was his job to protect her. Izuku knew that Toshinori blamed himself just as much as he, himself did.

Toshinori looked up at Izuku. "I'm sorry." He said simply, hanging his head again. He buried his face in his hands and sighed. "I'm so sorry." He repeated.

Izuku knew that he wasn't apologizing to him. He was apologizing to Uraraka. He was apologizing for not protecting her. He was apologizing for letting her down.

"All Might?" Izuku said, finding his voice once again. "She needs help, and I think that you're the only one that can do it." He looked at him, trying to see his face from the prison of his hands.

Toshinori slowly looked up at Izuku.

"If there is one person I know who understands how to wield a new quirk, it's you." Izuku looked pleadingly at him.

All Might looked down again, considering Izuku's proposition. he nodded slowly, lifting his head to meet Izuku's gaze. "Of course, I'll help her Young Midoriya." He stood up, placing his hands on his hips and 'buffing up'. "You and Uraraka with train alongside each other!"

Izuku grinned, and for the first time in a long time, he felt hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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