Dark Side of the Sun

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I stared. I stared back at her unflinchingly, examining her as much as she was doing so to me. She seemed mildly surprised by this before the same smile as earlier curled her lips upward and she turned slightly to address Saito. Whatever they were saying was whispered so quietly, I had no idea if it was in English or Japanese. And the not knowing made my stomach tighten all the more. Was it truly that bad a move? Were they now discussing my impending disposal? I fought the desire to fidget under their glances and instead, kept my body as still as I could. Finally, Saito straightened away from her and turned his gaze fully on me. An unreadable expression in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. "Mm. Indeed she is Fuyumi-san" he remarked. Responding to something said in quiet. It did nothing to appease my nerves.

"Well then. Do the necessary preparations." Fuyumi ordered, stepping away from me and moving back towards the way she'd come. "I want them ready by next week." She stopped before exiting the living room, turning to face Saito who had been following behind her. Her expression was so gentle and serene, I didn't expect what she did next. Her hand pressed softly against the side of his face and then in one quick motion, she shoved his head to the side, her nails raking down his cheek. "Let last time be the only time you disappoint me".

Whatever she said was done so in a stern voice, and to my further surprise, Saito merely bowed to her and then continued to escort her out of the living room. I had so many questions but no one to ask them, so I decided to go back to focusing at the matter at hand. Escaping. It was clear now that we would not be dying. Yet. We at least had a week before whatever they planned for us would take place. But the problem was, we were now at a location that we didn't know the first thing about.

"Just so you are aware, there are over fifty men outside that will redecorate your body with holes if you step out of this house without my permission. Ponimayete?"

I shuddered at the memory of Gavriil's warning the first day I'd woken up at his mansion and had been trying to escape. If these men were anything like Gavriil, which from the looks of it, they were, then I had to wonder if this house was just as guarded...I almost wanted to sigh in frustration. But I didn't get time to continue my inner musings as the remaining henchmen in the living room started ushering us out. We were directed up two flights of stairs and to the third level where we were led to the end of a wide hall. During all this, I did my best to look around and capture as much detail as I could. So far nothing significant stood out to me. Only how well decorated the place was. With the beautiful water colour paintings that hung on walls that were a calming cream. The dark, nearly black floors, that stayed bare of any rug or carpet. And lanterns instead of wall scones, that each had different flowers beautifully painted on them. They lit the hall just enough and gave it a warm dim glow.

The walls on either side of the hall held five doors each and it hit me that there were ten altogether, the same amount as us. Something about that fact was highly unsettling and I tried not to focus on that. The large double door at the end of the hall was pushed open and we were hurriedly waved inside while Japanese was barked at us. I started to wonder if they did so to keep us on the edge of fear since I knew they could speak English. Or perhaps it was just habit. I came to a jarring halt as I stepped inside, my lips slightly parting. It... was a bathroom. I was standing inside a very huge bathroom that had to be around the size of two luxury master bedrooms combined, from what I could see so far. It once again had a mix of modern and traditional Japanese. Something I was starting to figure was the running theme throughout this place. The walls were a pretty beige travertine, and most of the flooring was teak except for an area off to the left that had a row of standing showers with pebble tile floors instead. There was so many more beautiful elements to the bathroom, but other than what I'd been unable to help noticing right away, I wasn't really concerned with the rest. No, I was more concerned with just what they had in store for us and why on earth it seemed like we were about to take showers.

* * *

My suspicions had been correct. No sooner than I'd had the thought, we were told to strip. Their guns still pointed on us and their faces menacing even as their eyes leered in what seemed like anticipation. We all hesitantly complied and then all but one of the gunmen left as five women entered the washroom and began helping to bathe us. Once we were done, we were given robes and then each put into one of the rooms I passed earlier.

A sigh left my lips as I sat rigidly on the edge of the bed. If they intended for us to feel relaxed here, that was a grand delusion on their part. The room was modest and medium in size, containing just the bare minimum including a small attached washroom. It was nicely painted to matched the ongoing theme of the mansion, but it still felt very much like what it was. A prison. Despite the ache in my muscles and heaviness of my limbs, there was no way I could bring myself to lay down and sleep as if all was right in the world. Or at the very least, in my life. I still had no idea what was in store for me, for us. And it left my mind restless. I forced myself to my feet and wondered around the room once more. Right. If I was really going to get out of this, sitting around counting my woes wouldn't offer any aid.

 I had been hoping there would have been a window in here, but clearly they were smarter than that. The door too. It locked from the outside, unlike the rooms in Gavrill's mansion, which meant I couldn't come and go as I pleased unless they decided to leave the door unlocked. I gave the knob a hopeful twist and then felt my shoulders droop when it didn't budge. I ran a hand through my still damp locks and felt a humourless laugh bubble up as an insane thought crossed my mind. Gavrill was very lenient wasn't he... The laughter increased and took on an hysterical edge. Really? Was that my new thing now? Comparing kidnappers? Christ. The laughter slowly died down and I made my way back to the bed. Yeah. Getting out of this room on my own wasn't possible. But it didn't mean I was giving up. No way in hell.  

- - - - - -

Ahhhh! *hides in shame* My lovelies, I can't apologize enough for how long these chapters have been taking. It has been such a whirlwind of a time over here but I still hate that I keep you guys hanging so long when all you've all been, is nothing but patient, kind and incredible sweet to me. I couldn't ask for better readers, that like me, are invested in these stories I create and ride out the bumpy roads with me. I am genuinely thankful for you guys. Nothing gets me pumped to write, even when I am not feeling my best, like knowing that I have wonderful people that are gonna be happy and excited to continue these adventures with me. So a big warm hug to you all! XD



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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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