Plans In Motion

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"It's so quiet here..."

My whispered comment was so low I thought he hadn't heard, but he detached the vial of blood he'd just drawn and looked up to meet my eyes. "The entire wing is booked out by Gavriil. So you, little lady, have all this to yourself." My eyes widened in surprise even though it was totally something the crazy bastard would do. I don't know what I was expecting. The only people I'd seen over the last four days were Dr.Kein, who I've taken to calling Nick, a few nurses and cleaning staff. It didn't take long for me to figure out something was wrong. "Hmm...Speaking of Gavriil, I'm surprised he took the chance of leaving me here...He hasn't even come by once." I had meant to sound casual, but against my will, my voice took on a forlorn tone at the end. Nick gave me a quizzical look and I hastily attempted to backtrack. "Not that I would want him to, or anything. It was just an observation..."

Nick nodded and straightened away from the bed, getting his supplies together. "Well, after he carried you in the first night, he stayed until you woke up that second day and then left a few of his guards behind before heading off." I did my best to control my expression but inside I was freaking out for two reasons. One, he had been the one carrying me, and then...actually stayed? What the fuck was I supposed to do with that? What the hell did that mean?! And two, crap! Of course, he left guards! Did I really think he was just gonna leave me here? Ugh! I could slap myself for the moment of naivete.

"When can I shower?" I blurted out, surprising us both with the sudden change in topic. He chuckled and picked up his supplies. "Um, in a few hours if you'd like. Your stitches look really good, but still, please avoid getting them wet. Your ankle has come a long way are your ribs? The bruising has really lightened up but how's the pain level?"

"It's fine!" I answered a little too quickly. He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes before releasing a sigh. "...They still smart a bit..." I grumbled, avoiding his gaze.

"Then let me get these to the lab and after you eat something I'll come back and look you over. If everything looks good, I'll clear you for a shower. Sounds good?" I shrugged, aware I was acting like a petulant child but not entirely caring.

When he left, I fell back into my pillows and stared up at the plain white ceilings. I was getting stir crazy. I could feel it in the way I was almost constantly twitchy and in my dramatic mood swings. I wanted out. I needed fresh air and I wanted to walk goddamnit! I groaned and let my head loll to the right, looking out the window that occupied that wall. It was a beautiful room, to say the least. It was also a strange notion for a hospital room. It was extremely spacious for one, almost like an open concept apartment. On the far right, an entire miniature living room graced the space. It had a medium sized sectional in a sleek cream colour, and a small coffee table a stylish white marble at the base with a glass top. The window sat in the middle of the back wall, between the living room space and the little kitchenette. It had a mini fridge, a counter with a bowl of fresh fruits and I small stove top and microwave.

I rolled my head to the left and eyed the door leading into the bathroom longingly. It was impeccable in there. Hosting not only a state of the art shower, but a soaking tub, and a small seated area beside a walk-in closet. The toilet was opposite a spacious counter made of granite with an inset porcelain sink. The entire room gave me a penthouse hotel vibe. I wouldn't even know I was in a hospital if it wasn't for the very plush, very comfortable, hospital bed beneath me and the multiple machines by said bed. But even with all the grandeur it held, along with its beautiful flower vases and bright white walls, I still felt like I was captive in a glamorous prison cell.

I felt wistful for a home and family I didn't remember or even know if I really had. But there it was, that odd sense of homesickness. The sound of the door opening drew my attention to a nurse rolling a cart in. I forced myself to sit up and smiled at her. One thing I'd come to learn quickly was that the nurses and, even the cleaners, made it a point not to talk to me unless they had a very specific question about my health. It was kind of creepy, but I knew exactly who was behind it and so I couldn't really blame them. She rolled the cart towards me and pulled out the attached tray that would hover above my bed. She set up my meal, a bowl of soup, a side of salad, and a small ramekin of creme burlee along with a glass of water and then left after a very curt, "enjoy."

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