Chapter 73: Front Men Hit The Road But Always Come Home

Start from the beginning

Adam bowed his head. "Fuck, Bodes. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. She's...doing better lately. I shouldn't have called her a crazy bitch."

"Whatever, man. That night, she was. It was fucked up times. It was too much partying. She's straight now. She's told you she's sorry for it. I just wish we could move past it."

I caught Marley's eye. She gave me a tiny headshake. Ah, like me, she doesn't seem to think Arabella is clean. Bodie sees what he wants to see, when it comes to that girl.

"That was my fault, Bodie, for bringing it up," Mac said wearily. "I'm sorry. I'm trying."

"Alright, alright. Can we put a pin in the Arabella Issue? Cause god knows, it's not as solvable as the Madam crisis," Matt intervened, taking the baby from Adam.

"Agreed," Bodie hopped up on the counter and stoically crunched into an apple. Adam and Mac shrugged.

"Great. Now. Madam. First of all...where's the nanny?" He pointed at Riley. "Get her down here. Madam Rule number one: Get on a fucking routine and use the nanny every day for regular breaks. The only time I ever see Lennon with the nanny is when you are on stage. No wonder you are ready to kill each other. You are working too hard not to have a little down-time. Next order of business—Adam, get your shit together. This partying beef Mac has is one hundred percent valid. You don't marry your bandmate and bring your kid on tour and then party like a single guy."

I snorted at that. It's easier on these older guys. Except for Matt, most of their kids are grown. Their wives come and go from the tour, so they get the best of both worlds. Nobody's under the pressure that Madam is, but then again, I guess they've all been through it at some point.

"Thank you!" Mac beamed at Matt and glared at Adam.

"Also this partying problem is one hundred percent your fault, Sweetheart," Matt added. "You keep telling him to go have a drink down the hall while you hang with the baby. Nope. Nope. And nope. Madam Rule Number Two: Party together or don't party at all. Maybe you hit the after party together every third show or whatever works for both of you."

"I'd honestly rather hang with Lennon, if Adam would just temper himself at the parties..."

"I honestly don't give a shit what you'd rather do," Matt shakes his head at her sweetly. "It ain't just about your preferences. It's about a happy band marriage, a happy band, and a happy tour. You need to be able to trust your husband and your husband needs to know you still like to hang with him, too. Take one for the team and party like a rock star, 'kay babe?"

Adam puffed up. "Yeah, babe. What the Old Man said." Mac shot Adam a bird, but also gave him a begrudging grin.

Matt handed off Lennon to the nanny and asked, "Is Lennon sleeping in your room or in Madam's suite?" When she answers that Mac always keep her in her bedroom, Matt sighs. "I can't believe I even have to give you guys Rule Number Three. Hello? Baby-Free Fuck Nights. Mac, the man has to fight off fangirls like a he's gladiator. It's not cool that he's cockblocked by his offspring every single night. And Adam, you can't expect your wife not to get tense if you are making the time to get shit-faced with the boys but not the taking the time to love her up right."

"Jesus, Matt..." Adam rubbed his face.

"No, he's right," Dom grunted "What in fuck is wrong with you kids? You guys are acting like old people."

"They're just newb parents," Matt supplied.

"Okay, I guess I see your point. We probably need a little more Madam time without Lennon." Mac said. "Although for the record, we do fuck...but mostly it's quickies in the shower while she's watching Baby Einstein in the swing..."

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