Thnks fr th Mmrs (One night and one last time)

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Authors note: Picture on the side is Abby, but instead of the septum peircing, it's an actual nose ring. Also, the eye color isn't the same. I don't know who the girl in the picture is, but I found it on Google and she was the closest thing to how I pictured Abby.

Dedication is to Katelerz for commenting/following/voting on this story. Thanks again!


The rest of the day had passed quickly, much to Fall Out Boy's dismay. They had decided to handle the business part of their return at a later time, and focus more on the actual music. And honestly, Abby hadn't been happier in a long, long time. Sure, her solo career had really boosted her self confidence and the two tours she headlined were fantastic, but nothing really compared to having her brothers back. 

Well, it was a fun time. Until at around 10 PM (yes, they were in the studio for 10 hours straight) when Pete and Joe had brought out the alcohol. Andy had ended up going home - "I'd rather go home and watch The Walking Dead then sit here and watch you guys get plastered." - with a promise to meet up with them tomorrow after the hangovers subsided. Abby had respectfully declined the offer of Captain Morgan, not really wanting to go and sing tomorrow with a headache, and had managed to convince Patrick to do the same. 

The two were happily talking about the new songs Pete had written and how excited they were to get back on the scene again when the man himself, followed by Joe, plopped himself into Abby's lap.

The purple haired singer sighed, knowing he was incredibly drunk and would do the same thing he always did when he was this drunk: try to convince Abby to go back to the whole friends-with-benefits deal they had going on right before the woman had turned eighteen. Patrick frowned as Joe cuddled around him and rested his head on the other man's shoulder, sighing in content. 

"Abbbbyyy," Pete whined, placing a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Yes, Pete?" The singer rolled her eyes. If she wasn't so used to drunk Pete making an appearance every now and then, she would have had much less patience with her friend. Patrick shifted awkwardly in his place, but couldn't move because Joe had fallen asleep on his shoulder. 

Well, Abby thought with a sigh, one drunk down, one to go. 

"Love meee," Pete cried out, hugging her waist rather tightly. 

"I do love you, Pete." Abby stated calmly, looking over at Patrick, begging for help. He mouthed, I'm sorry before gesturing with his head to a snoring Joe Trohman. 

The short-haired bassist frowned, moving only a little bit so that he could look Abby in the eyes. "Then why won't you have sex with me?"

Abby closed her eyes, a big sigh escaping her as she tried in vain to move Pete off of her. "Because I won't, Peter."

Usually, the man would protest to his full first name, but he chose to ignore that part. "Why not though? It's not like you're a virgin."

Abby's whiskey colored eyes opened once more, and she looked at Patrick just quickly enough to see him flinch, as if he was in a lot of pain. Joe was starting to slide off of him, so he couldn't be hurting from that...  Unless it was what Pete said? Abby frowned in confusion, but Patrick refused to meet her eyes. It wasn't as if her non-virgin status was something he didn't know already.

It was pretty hard not to know when it was during her two year long relationship with Brendon Urie and were caught multiple times in different... uh... compromising situations during a few tours they did together. So why did Patrick care so much?

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