Save Rock & Roll

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Dedication to LeaveNoWordsUnspoken for reading this story first and for being a kick ass author who wrote the story that inspired this one. I reccomend checking it out, it's called Breathe Me Back To Life and it is freaking gorgeous.

Anyways. Hello there, fellow Young Bloods. Before you start reading, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I do not know the actual details of FOB's break up. I don't know why they broke up in the first place, I don't know if they kept in touch during the hiatus, I don't know who initiated the break up, and I don't know who initiated getting back together. The way I wrote the break up/reunion is written that way because it's necessary to the story. While I'm on the subject of stories, I would also like to mention that I do not own FOB. The only thing I do own is my original plot line, and Abby. Yes, Abby is also my first name, but with a slightly different spelling, but her middle and last name are not mine. My first name is the only trait I share with her, I promise.

And with that boring but obligatory Author's Note, I bring you the story. Enjoy.

Abby Bell was having a crappy day. First, she had woken up at three in the morning to cop sirens at three in the morning right outside her window. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered her at all, after all, Chicago wasn't really known for its crime-free streets, and after living in the city for her whole life, Abby was accustomed to the sounds of police/ambulance/fire alarms. However, the person the cops were arresting happened to be her next door neighbor, who had apparently been roaming the streets drunk and naked and singing Bob Dylan songs before he stumbled home to smoke some weed. Again, this was all three in the goddamn morning.

Second, her mother had sent her an email saying that she couldn't make it to Chicago for Abby's birthday, as she was too busy having sex with strangers on a beach in Maui. Well, she didn't say that specifically, but Abby knew that's what she meant. Her mom did stuff like that.

And lastly, her phone wouldn't stop ringing.

Yes, she's a celebrity, and yes, she should be used to a busy lifestyle as a solo artist after three years of doing it, but the person calling her wasn't anybody in her management or crew.

It was her old band. Fall Out Boy.

Specifically, it was Patrick Stump that would not quit trying to call her. Abby hadn't talked to Patrick in three years since the band broke up, and that was just fine with her.

... Okay, it wasn't fine with her at all. In fact, it tore her up inside. Patrick had been her best friend since elementary school, and they had done everything together. And they had grown even closer in their teenage years, when they joined Andy, Pete and Joe in their band and Fall Out Boy was created. The group became absolutely inseparable, and so when the fight happened and they split up, Abby was devastated.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

Abby stared at her phone with a frown. Why was it that when she wanted to talk to him he didn't call, but the moment he needed her for something, he called? And why now, after all of this time?

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

The young singer bit her lip, her thumb hovering over the reject button.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

Finally, Abby couldn't take it anymore. She quickly accepted the call, placing the phone to her ear before she lost her nerve.

There was silence for a few moments before the man on the other end of the line let out a breath. "Abby?"

More silence.

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