Everyone began to giggle and laugh and make shocked noises to add to the humor my sentence had caused, meanwhile Aiden's satisfaction from just seconds ago, was replaced by a strong scowl as he set his jaw.

"What are you going to do about that, Aiden?" Mike mocked him from the couch, his eyes flicking between the two of us.

"I say we play the damn game," He said through clenched teeth and took a shot from his glass. "Mind if I go first?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Then, Aiden turned and looked at me as if in the middle of a thought and suddenly, began to place the smug expression back on his face.

"Never have I ever come close to fucking a janitor."

I swallowed hard so the new dryness in my throat would settle, but it didn't help at all.

I knew what he was trying to do. I knew why he was trying to do it, and not planning on letting him win, I took my shot without a thought.

The burn in my throat glided harshly down until it reached the empty pit of my stomach. I didn't expect a liquid to hurt so much, and so I found myself coughing before I regained my breath and set the glass on the table for it to be refilled.

Then, I spoke again, my words coming out quickly before anyone else could.

"Never have I ever hit someone because you were jealous of them."

Myra's eyes widened at the same time my words flew out of my mouth, and later, watched as Aiden twisted in his own irritation.

He had become restless, fidgeting and clenching his fists every chance he got, until finally, he managed to get on my last nerve.

"Never have I ever kissed somebody in this room."

My mouth parted and my eyes shot to everyone else in the room, looking for their reactions or to see if they knew what he might be talking about like I was. But all they had managed to do was watch the way Aiden and I had been one-upping one another as if they were a tennis match.

"Go on, Emma... Drink it." Aiden threatened.

I filled my shot back up with hatred, looked at everyone else doing the same, and drank it, going through that entire burning sensation all over again and coughing, as I felt my anger rise.

"And please, remind us all who it was?" Aiden was now far from the blonde. He was on the edge of his seat, eager to see my reaction and then be satisfied when he got the upper hand.

My heart began to smack against my chest in protest. The shots I had been taking only now started to take effect on my body, and with my thoughts ablaze, I searched for any answer that wasn't his name.

Will and Myra both looked at me, waiting like everyone else in this room. Every pair of eyes was watching me, including Aiden's. It was a type of pressure I had never been under, and I found myself tumbling over my own tongue while I called out a name that no one had expected.


I furrow my brows at my answer and turn to my friend who is now wide-eyed and shocked just as much as I was. I look at him in a pleading manner to go along with it, knowing that a long, and guilty-filled apology would follow.

"Will and I... kissed by accident." I explain, fiddling with my hands nervously.

There was a single minute of silence that drowned out every thought in my head while I kept pleading Will with my eyes.

If people knew that Aiden and I had kissed... I didn't even allow myself to think beyond that point.

"Yeah... we did." Will sounded unsure at first, but one look at me and his voice hardened. "We... we were walking and we bumped into each other. Sometimes, you know, you're caught at a bad angle and it just... happened." He shrugged it off.

The Fate Of Broken HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora