Where it all began part 2

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"Kids im gonna be at a meeting so i be home at 12am so you guys have a babysiter or more.." Asean said (btw the countryhumans of asean are like teenager) Indo look piss while Brunei look confused "Meet UK and...his four kids?" Asean look confused "I need to look after children too you know" UK said

America pov

Once i step in the huge mansion the first one i saw was Malaysia which kinda look like me "Copycat" i mumbled, "Yo mate that person look like you" Aussie said i nodded and look at Nada and he was in shock of how big the mansion was and then i saw Asean driving away from the window, "So what do you guys do?" My dad ask, after saying that we heard a growl and whimper after that, we face where the noise was and there was a red head with a half moon and stars staring at my father angrily and sad at the same time, after introduce ourself i realised half of the Asean member were once rule over UK, which i was impressed. I notice New Zealands was look at one of them, i look at the same direction and saw the same red head...i think he's name was Singapore or Singa for short, he was look at UK with the face i hate you for leaving me which i was confused

Singapore pov

I cant belived that baster think he can babysit me after all he had done. My eyes start to be watery so i wipe it away i notices America and New Zealand was looking at me so i stare at them, they notices me so New Zealand face away while America walk up to me with the face i aint scared of you i sighed. Once he was next to me i notice he was tall like taller then Indo?! "What are you looking at!" I whisperly yelled "A short person," America reply, i growled and walk away 'WHY MUST BE THE SHORTEST PERSON?! EVEN BRU IS TALLER THEN MEH'(sorry if you ship Brunei and Singapore cause i do but i also got other ship with Singa) i walk outside to the backyard and see my merlion swimming in the big lake, i smiled and sit next to the lake, merlion notice me and pop his head out of the water and i smile while patting him "youre my best friend right?" I whisper then i saw nada behind me

Canada pov

I saw Singapore pattiing his lion/merman? While i was thinking what animal is Singa pet is he was look up at me(get it?) I sit next to him and notice he was half my size which shock me, how can someone be so rich be so short? "So how is youre day?" I try to be poliet as possable "Im fine thank you," he answer "What animal is youre pet?"i ask "a merlion half lion half merman" Singa answer, he voices sound so depressed...hmm i know i will ask him to be my friend!


Hey guys i hope you enjoy this and i do not ship Canada with Singapore just saying bye!

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