Chapter 2 - New Girl

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You woke up before the alarm. You pulled the curtain from the window, not like it had been any help, and looked out at the dark lawn. Contemplating if you should try to go back to sleep, you shifted back onto to the bed and grabbed the corner of the thin blanket.

"Eh screw it, I'm up now as it is," you huffed out quietly, your voice rough and cracked from disuse. You knew the jet lag would plague you for the next few days, but you might as well try to be productive in the morning.

After brushing your teeth and braiding your hair back, you pulled on a sports bra, green long sleeve t-shirt, leggings and the sneakers by the door before heading out. The hall was dead quiet, with everyone presumably still asleep. You did your best not to make any noise and chose the stairs over the elevator just to ensure you didn't wake anyone. Pushing open the large front doors of the dorm, you took in your first breath of morning air. It was crisp and cool, to be expected for April at this time in the day.

You did a few stretches on the front porch before beginning your run. Since you weren't familiar with the area, you opted not to make the route overly complicated. You zigzagged through the UA designated streets, keeping tabs on how far from the central glass building you had gone. The dorm was north of the glass structure, so as long as you could navigate your way back, you'd be fine. But you certainly didn't trust yourself going outside the bounds of the campus grounds alone. Definitely not anymore.

Before you knew it, your sports-watch beeped, indicating you had completed your 10K. You slowed to a jog, then a walk, trying to calm your breathing. It was still so early the sun had just barely started to rise. Finding a bench, you decided to watch it come up. The haze of navy turned into a rosy coral which peaked over the horizon. It was so peaceful, so quiet.


Your head whipped toward the sound. You saw an explosion and smoke. It was directly behind your dorm. Before you could think twice you were sprinting toward the blast, the fatigue of moments ago completely gone, hands at the ready to absorb any and all the smoke if needed. Turning the corner to the back of the building, you crashed into something hard.


You quickly jumped up from where you'd fallen to the ground, ignoring the sudden pain in your shoulder, ready for a fight.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" An angry voice snapped you out of your battle mode. You blinked a few times before focusing on the ash blond boy standing in front of you, also apparently ready to pounce. He was wearing black sweatpants and a black tank top, which showed his strong arms and shoulders. He was covered in sweat but didn't seem to be injured in any way.

Where did that explosion come from?

"Are you hurt?" were the first words out of your mouth. "I saw the explosion..."

"OF COURSE I'M NOT HURT. NOW WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" His crimson eyes were serious and deadly.

"[Y/n]. Who the fuck are you?" you snapped back with the same intonation, once again raising your fists as you saw the boy wasn't letting down his guard.


I swear it's too fucking early for this nonsense. Wait... his dorm?

"Are you... Bakugou?" you asked, your tone turning to one of genuine curiosity. If this was his dorm, then he was one of your classmates. You should have figured it out sooner. You had done a little research on UA before you joined, and this boy had won the Sports Festival with that explosive quirk. What a wonderful first impression you were both making.

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