SEVENTY SEVEN~ And to Meet Ms. Carter

Start from the beginning

She had a group meeting to go too, and she was late. Everybody eyes peered on to hers, as well as a surprised Carmen. She didn't think she had it in her, she was a little happy for her, but annoyed the meet was delayed just for her to show up.

The counselor of the evening Dr. Evelyn Franklin sat in the middle of the room in her casual clothes to make everybody comfortable. It was a trust bubble, new and old juveniles were issued mandatory meetings.

They were the troubled ones, but nobody knew how much trouble.
  It was up to Dr. Franklin to break it down.

She was glad when Mi finally appeared. She could finally gracefully start the meet.

"I want to thank you girls for showing up." Dr. Franklin smiled genuinely, as if they had a choice whether or not they could.

She continued none the less, "My name is Dr. Franklin but you can call me Evelyn. It's a safe place here," she told the girls warmly. "I'm gonna tell y'all something about myself and we'll go counter clockwise— introduce ourselves given two facts about ourselves. You all know my name but Ima psychiatrist and a mother. I was ordered by the court to meet this pacific unit of girls, but I also hope we can have some type of break through."

"Oh so now it's my turn?" A light skin girl asked bashfully before sitting up, "I'm Tokyo—

She seen the guard snap his fingers, she smacked her lips. "fine. My name is Jasmine Brewster. I'm 15 and I'm being wrongfully accused of beatin up some random bitch—

"Ms. Brewster." The guard called out to her again. She was getting on his last one, he been dealing with her shit since this morning.

"I'm sorry but it's true." Tokyo shrugged sitting back in her chair, "I knew the bitch and it was self defense."

"Get up." He demanded. As she left out the room the circle had continued on two girls with little charges— then on Carmen.

"I'm Carmen. I'm 17 and before summer my ass getting shipped off to a Rikers—

"Ms Carter."

"I didn't even say nothing!" Mi and Carmen exclaimed before looking at each other. "Why you say something?" Carmen asked Mi annoyed, Mi gave her the same look.

"Why you think sweetheart?"

"Well this just got a little awkward." Uche a girl also in the circle whispered to the other one that didn't matter.

The counselor continued on the circle and Mi was the last giving her the bare minimum. "I'm Milan, 15 and from the Bronx."

The counselor was confused, "Why are you in Harlem?"

Mi coldly shrugged, "I'm getting tried down here." Looking up at her she smirked, "I don't even know what I did."

"Is that funny to you?"

"I don't know." Mi shrugged unsure, "I don't know what to feel at this point."

Mi had the Doc speechless and to say they were gonna need a one on one was an understatement.
   She seen how withdrawn Mi was during the meeting and came to the conclusion she was gonna spend a little more time on Mi's case— she seen there was a problem.

MILAN (⚠️UNDER HEAVY CONSTRUCTION⚠️)Where stories live. Discover now