Chapter 4 - Yeah, Girl, It Stinks

Start from the beginning

Before Max went on his rampage, Harry Osborn wanted Black Cat's blood to cure his mysterious disease that could reach death. So, I crawled on the ceiling as I see him sleeping on the sofa.

"Harry," I called.

He woke up startled and stirred by his call. He looked around thinking that no one was there.

"Look up," I called again.

Harry looked up. His face lit up with shock; I landed on his sofa as his face raises a smile.

"I think you're looking for me," I said.

"I cannot believe my eyes. The Black Cat. Just the person I wanted to see." Harry said. He pours himself a bottle of liquor into his drink. "You... talked to Felicia?"


There was a pause when Harry sipped his drink.

"I wanna help you, Mr Osborn. I do. I can't give you my blood. Not right now." I sighed.

"Excuse me?" Harry pardons, his face lit with shock.

"It's too dangerous. If our blood is incompatible, you could die."

"I'm already dying. Your blood can't make die more."

"But it could do something worse."

Harry paused for a second.

"Okay. All right, how much?" He asked.

"How much what?" I asked, puzzled.

"How much do you want? Name it. Do you want a boat? Do you want a plane? Do you want money? How much do you want?"

"I don't want your money."

"Come on. Everybody wants my money!"

"I don't."

"I thought you... you were supposed to save people. I thought that's what you do, you save people's lives."

"Not with my blood, it's not!"

"You're... You're just gonna let me die."

"I'm trying to protect you right now."

"No. No, you are not. You're trying to protect yourself."

I sighed, standing up.

"Look, we just need a bit more time..." I began.

"I don't have time!" Harry shouts.

" figure something out."

He tries to hit me with his glass but I dodged it as it hit the wall. A little of it scratched Harry's face, close to his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said and went out of the window, clutching the wall.

I heard Harry curse with rage.

"You're a fraud, Black Cat! Argh!" He shouts, knocking over something. 

I put my head against the wall with shame, but what I did was right.


I went back to the Team Room and I looked at a picture of me, Rafe, and Mom, Dad, and Uncle Charles together on the seaside one summer. Some good memories of us swimming, collecting shells and eating fish, lobster and chips. It's like a void that senses away from all existing objects. I felt as if I'm one of them in that void. I saw Tom in the Team Room. He sees my burning face and sits down.

"Felicia? Still not up to join the others?" He asked.

I shook my head, shortly - I didn't want to answer anyone at the moment. Tom sat beside me.

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