Chapter 12 - Friendship + Love = Lovers (Part 2)

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"I think I always knew, all this time, who you were," Tom said, giving me a small smile.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Tom," I replied. "I wanted to, I even tried a couple of times, but... it wouldn't be fair to you, I was selfish to ask you. I-I don't think I can see you anymore."

"Hysterical blindness?"

"I just... finally realized something. I'm not like you. I can't live the life that you do. My powers came with a responsibility, and I need the balance of a normal life. Being Black Cat is who I am. But... being... just me... that's who I am, too."

He sat in silence, sinking in everything from what I said.

"Let's skip ahead to the part where you ask if we can still be friends," Tom said, finally.

"Can we still be friends?" I asked.

He chuckled.

"Don't sound so dejected. For once, I crossed your path." Tom said, his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not so easy to get rid of. Go. Find your girl. That's what you want to do, right? You finally started listening to me. You're doing what you want." I replied. "You should... marry Gwen."

With a sigh, Tom jumps down the site onto the ground to see the police. Now, Tom knows who I am. I watched Gwen come out of the police car and hugs Tom. As I watch them, Dad, Uncle Charles and Rafe came up to me. Uncle Charles places a hand on my shoulder once I stood up to turn around. Dad had Uncle Charles's arm around his neck so that he can steady himself.

"Felicia, are you okay?" Dad asks.

"I'm fine, Dad. Did the Sacred Detectives--" I began.

"We couldn't find them, but we found you," Uncle Charles said.

"Guys, there's something we have to show you," Yuki said, appearing.

"What is it? I never imagine you giving us a gift... well, apart from my cat powers."

Suddenly, a shadowy figure came from the distance. Me, Uncle Charles, Dad and Rafe watched in shock - is it a long-lost family member? When the light shone on the figure, there came a familiar face we knew. One we love so much. My heart almost dropped to the floor.

"Mom?" Rafe and I stammered.

"Nellie?" Dad and Uncle Charles said, their skin pale with blasphemy.

"Sweeney, Charles, kids - it's me. Don't be frightened." Mom spoke, smiling.

My face lit up with happiness and tears; Rafe's were the same. It truly is Mom - she's survived.

"MOM!" We shouted, hugging her and crying. 

"Mom, thank God, you're okay!"I said.

"Nellie, you died! How did you manage to survive that incident? Why didn't you tell us?" Dad asked.

"You see, the moment I died, Yuki came to my grave and breathed in a new cat breath - it took me a long time to get used to it. I wanted to tell you so badly, but I thought you wouldn't--" Mom explained.

"We believe you now, Mom," Rafe said, his voice wobbled.

We reunited with Mom again; my tears slid down as I hugged her once more. The Sacred Detectives appeared. I smiled.

"What did we miss?" Peter asked.

I looked at my necklace as it glowed again, and it showed all the 7 Chaos Emeralds - when they were placed peacefully in my hands, I turned to Thor.

"I believe... that you wanted these back, Thor," I said, giving them to them.

He looked at them for a moment in my hands, then looked at me; with a nod of his head, Thor gave a light push on the Chaos Emeralds into my chest. Everyone gasps.

"Thor, what are you doing? You can't give them back to me! You need them to be protected! Why me?" I asked.

"Felicia, I agreed on what I should do once you've retrieved the Chaos Emeralds - I placing the Chaos Emeralds in your hands, now," Thor said.

I gasped silently.

"Dude, are you saying that I'm--" I began.

"Felicia, you are the new guardian for the Chaos Emeralds. They are bonded to you now that your firepower is learning to bond with you." Thor replied.

"I don't know what to say, but, thank you, Thor."

The Chaos Emeralds were placed in the same circle from the order they were supposed to be in back into my necklace. The Chaos Emeralds are bonded to me. I gave a smile to everyone; I went back from watching Tom from above. He looked back at my gaze, holding it. Suddenly, tears spilt all over my face.

"Come on, guys. Let's go home." I said sadly.

As everyone was off, one by one, I gave Tom one last glance - soon, I turned into my fire evolution and flew away. I know he'll live a good life with Gwen and make her happy; sometimes, being a hero is a tough job and a responsibility worth living.

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