2| Future Heroes In Training

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2 days later

I was taking my daily jog as I ran into something very interesting. Passing Dagoba Municipal Beach Park that was littered to the very last speck of sand, I caught sight of a certain green haired boy. Walking nearer, I spot All Might on a heavy metal fridge, Izuku desperately trying to pull him.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, its pretty comfy up on this bridge. How are you doing down there?" His deep voice said. "People move these everyday you know. Most of them don't even have any super strength"

Izuku groaned, on the floor, and looked over to All Might, "Well...yeah, but there's an extra 600 pounds with you sitting on top of it."
I snorted to myself and continued to listen, my presence still unknown.

"Nah, I have lost weight so I'm down to the 560 these days." All Might laughed.

Izuku sighed and looked at the pile of trash around him. "Great much better. Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach anyway?"

All Might laughed at Izuku, taking pictures of him while speaking, "Ha-ha, take a look at yourself. You're not ready for my power," he continued to snap pictures at Izuku, as I wondered about what he had just said. 'His Power?'

"But I thought you said that I was worthy!" He sulked and looked at the ground, as I couldn't contain my laughter any longer.

I giggled as they both turned to look at me.
"Hey All Might, make sure to send me those pictures. I'll put them as my wallpaper."

Izuku widened his eyes from shock at my sudden voice and blushed, seeing my sweaty face and clothes.

"(Y-Y/N)?! Oh god, when did you get here?" He was a blushing mess.

I smiled, "Not long! Just enough to see All Might snap your picture!" I lied.

He looked at All Might as if wanting to say something.

"So, what're you up to? Here at the beach, I mean." I tried saying something to break the uncomfortable silence.

"O-Oh, you know, some hero training and stuff," he replied.

'Wow, he definitely avoided the question' I decided to play along, deciding to figure it out later.

"Cool! Mind if I join? I have to start getting ready for the entrance exam at UA!"

Izuku looked at All Might, giving him a reassuring nod.

"So, shooting for the moon are we, young...?" All might asked my name, indirectly.

"(Y/N) (L/N) at your service! A pleasure to meet you, I'm Izuku's friend!"

"Likewise," he said, " Now, young Midoriya, for your training we will prepare your body for your quirk, as you clear this section of the coastline!"

The poor boy's mouth fell wide open as he looked around, " A-All of this? But it's so much! I'll never finish!"

"Not if you follow my aim to pass American dream plan! Follow this to the letter!" All Might took out a stack of papers, showing Izuku's daily schedule from now on.

I peeked at it over his shoulder and 'wowed'.

"Woah, even your sleep is scheduled! Maybe I should follow this schedule too!" I looked over at All Might, "If you don't mind?"

"Of course not! You are free to join whenever!" He looked over at Izuku and put his hand to the side of his mouth, hiding it from me. "If I have to be honest, this is going to be super hard. Think you're up for it?"

"Yeah sure I am, I have to work really hard right?" He looked over at me, shrugging and giving a small smile.

I grinned and got ready for intense training.

"Very well, my Future Heroes in Training let's begin!" All Might laughed and bumped his fists.

Just like that, Izuku began 10 months of hellish training, me not always being able to train alongside him because of my responsibilities as a sister. But whenever I did I always supported him. I watched him grow, and get stronger until the big day finally came.

10 months later

I was staring in shock and horror at All Might as he shoved his strand of golden hair down Izuku's throat.

I was traumatized for life and ran to school, the two males too focused on their 'business' to even notice me. I didn't talk to Izuku that entire day.

Not even a few minutes after running away and seeing him in the entrance of UA, talking to some girl. Luckily he didn't notice me, but I did happen to hear his thoughts after the girl walked away.

'Holy Woah, I just talked to a girl!'

I slammed my foot down, 'Then what am I?! A speck of dirt?! You didn't even say a word to her!'

I had made up my mind not to talk to him at all. I was beyond offended and I had to focus on this exam.

'Hopefully, I'll pass...No! What am I saying? Of course, I'll pass, I've been training the last year for this! I've got this!'

I slapped both my cheeks and confidently took a step forward, simultaneously running into a pillar.

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