Chapter 2

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I made it to school just in time before class actually starts. See, the school opens at 8:05 but 1st period starts at 8:25.

Eli: y/n!

Eli gave me the tightest hug ever.

Me: hey man, how you been?

Eli: I've been good, you?

Me: ok, could be better

Eli: your dad?

Me: you know it

Eli: I've told you many times I have an extra room in my hou-

Me: no no, Im not gonna move into your house

Eli: come on! It'll be fucking great

Me: Eli it's ok, I'll be ok

Eli: you sure?

Me: 100 percent

Once we stepped foot into the school We automatically see new faces.

Me: whoa there's a lot of new people

Eli: yeah.. and some of the girls are pretty hot

Me: *laugh* come on dude I need to get my schedule

We walked in the main office which was currently full of freshman's.

Eli: You think we'll have classes together again like last year?

Me: yeah we always do, Hey ms.Gardner

Ms.Gardner: y/n! Oh my goodness how are you?

She gave me a tight hug. Man what is up with people and tight hugs?

Me: I've been ok, you?

Ms.Gardner: stressed out but I'm better now since you're here

She gave me a bright smile. Ms.Gardner been there for me since freshman year of highschool, I'm now a senior.. man time goes by fast.

Me: well That's great that I fixed that

Ms.Gardner: sure is, anyways you're here for your schedule right?

Me: yes ma'am

Ms.Gardner: well here you go

She handed me my new schedule, which I didn't have for long since Eli snatched it out my hand.

Eli: Okay, we have the first 2 periods together, then lunch, then we have gym and after that the last 3 periods you're by yourself

Me: fuck why can-

Ms.Gardner: Hey! Watch your mouth

Me: Sorry ms.G


Eli: well that's the bell, let's go!

Me: Eli we're literally seniors, why are you in a rush?

Eli: I wanna see if there's any new hotties *wink*

Me: *laugh* alrighty then


I Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2!
*sorry for any mistakes*

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