Arc 4 - Chapter 24: The Calming Period

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The night was cast, the world illuminated from the light of its magenta moon, glowing swaying flowers lighting up the grassy ground. Ventus looked among the land, the normal garbed man stood ffacing away "And...we meet once again. Your fate is one that I cannot even predict, or rather one that is unsure of where it wants to go. Once dragged it now be adjusting evenly towards its new goal"

" I keep...coming here?" asked Ventus "I mean...does this have...anything to do with me?"

"Something within you, deep or shallow no idea, is calling you to this place. You started as the replica of another...but I see now, the original calling beckoning you forth. As natural with most roads of destinies your future is as unknown as everyone else...but a power has revealed within you. For me it's fairly common, so it's of no concern"

"Can't I...get a straight answer from these weird dreams?"

"I guess.. being pedantic you could call this a dream but in technicality it isn't"

"Please...give me one straight answer that isn't a riddle here"

"Just one, fine then I guess I'll...accommodate. The one you call Teacher, what if I said...she has still not reached the pinnacle of her strength...but you – arguably alone give or take – can push her closer"


"Allow me soon to teach you the technique you seemed to have inherited and...go on from there. Now then...quickly reach the town, seek another clue as to the ending of this story" the garbed man would begin stretching leaving Ventus to go down the hill

Ventus met it to the town, to see for the moment some normalcy. The townsfolk all seemed happy, talking, playing or going about their business. It didn't feel too advance, with moderate use of electricity in signs, vehicles and lights. As he entered...the threshold to the town, a blast of cold air hit his body, a fire burning at his abdomen "Oh a visitor?" a happy male voice to his right "Why welcome" a pale skinned male, with a tone of blue, beckoned him forward with dark hair and rather plain blue and black clothes

"Yes welcome to our town" "Welcome" "Welcome" more friendly voices greeted him of both genders

"Wow...nice welcome party"

"A young man with a bright soul like yours is welcome" "We sense your tired" "come and rest"

"'s alright sure" Ventus entered rather confused before he then heard

"Come on, we have to go's coming" a more nervous young voice came from the left, a young citizen pulling another "No-one will listen we have to leave"

"But we can't, we need to stay and..." before the 2nd one could finish

"CEASAR! CEASAR IS COMING!" a panicked call immediately shot Ventus up to the sky, to see the giant calamity now making itself known.

Ventus would looked up "Well...I saw a bit more I guess, the town was welcoming when it..."

"Hey why are you standing there!?" the same young citizen, a male with chin length hair came to his front "Why aren't you running?"

"No point, it's too big to run from"

"You''re not from here but you can't give up!"

"But what can we do?"

"Something we can only do...when we pool our strength..." but the sentence was cut short, Ventus awaking on his bed.

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