Chapter 10 - Salem Gives Birth (Finale)

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Six months later...

She sat up, rubbing her baggy eyes. Another sleepless night. She was now nine months, probably why she’s been having trouble sleeping. She lifted her oversized t-shirt, running her nippy hands across her viable abdomen which left a trail of goosebumps behind. She still couldn’t believe all of this was actually happening.

She stood up and went to freshen up. After that, she wandered off to the mess hall. Of course, Tyler was there chowing down on his churros.

She sighed, “Hey, Tyler.”

He looked at her with his sugar-cloaked cheeks, “Oh- Hey... Dude, you don’t look so good.”

“I know, I barley got any sleep last night because of Mr. Kicks-a lot.” She said, referring to the baby.

“Oh, well that sucks.” He touched her belly for the fun of it. “Hey, I think Samuels knows about our whole situation.”

Her eyes grew wide, “How? That’s impossible! I never told him shit!”

He chuckled, “I knew you wouldn’t, even though I told you to, so I did it myself. I knew you’d try and keep it from him, part of the reason why I’ve told three people, which didn’t include Samuel. Knowing that one of them would gossip, passing that little secret on to the next person, Samuel would find out in a matter of days. I’m sorry but he did have a right to know, Salem.”

Her face quickly twisted in anger while her body temperature sky-rocketed, “You bastard! Why would you do such a thing?!” She screamed, slapping him all over.

At this point, everyone in the cafeteria was staring at them. She didn’t care, though. She was trying to understand why he’d do such a penurious thing.

“Salem, calm down! What difference did it make?! The baby should be here any minuet now! He’d have to find out sooner or later!”

“So?! I could’ve kept it off a little--” Her words completely stopped coming out as she felt warm water trickle down her legs. 

She looked down and saw herself standing in a large puddle. Out of the blue, the muscles in her abdomen tightened, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs in utter pain.

“Get me to the nurse, Tyler!” She gnawed at her lip while he flung his arm around her shoulder, walking her to the nurse’s office.

In under ten minuets, they arrived and she took her in immediately. She had her strip out of her clothes and into a robe. She looked at Tyler, whom was panicking more than she. He looked like he was on the verge of puking.

“Young man, please go and get Mr. TC! I’m not sure weather I have the proper tools or not!” The nurse frenzied, placing a warm cloth over her forehead.

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