CH 6 Loneliness The Eevee

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Alex: so the y character I had to put my opinions on is called abandoned loneliness or AKA loneliness the Eevee now I don't really know much about this Creepypasta and to be honest I'm not really a big fan of abandoned loneliness well maybe a little bit but there's something about him that's kind of weird just like Skye
And Shadow he follows me around 2 as if I'm his dad or something the little Eevee even said that I'm like a big brother to him which I guess is kind of sweet but doesn't this Eevee know that I'm a human spirit that committed suicide well I guess the Eevee is a ghost to but still I'm from the human world so that doesn't count

Loneliness: I always found Alex like a big brother to me I mean he was always there for me and he always smiled at me sometime but I do know I do annoy him a lot because I followed him around he really just wants to be a lone wolf the rest of his life but I know Skye and Myra both had a crush on him but he just doesn't know it and they don't know that he wants to be alone for the rest of his life it's kind of sad to know that

Alex: for the last time I don't want to be with anybody I want to be alone if loneliness the Eevee wanted to be alone everybody would have given him his face but nobody gives me my space I didn't have friends when I was a human and I don't need friends now things are not what they used to be things are different now I'm a I'm a Vulpix and I'm going to be a lone Vulpix forever

Loneliness: I guess I can kind of relate although I did not really commit suicide although a lot of people say I'm a curse for a lot of reasons but they need to know that I'm not a curse I'm just a normal ghost Eevee as usual but Alex is not a curse either he's just a human spirit that just wants to be alone and does not want anybody to be with him I don't know why Myra and Sky don't see that but maybe he'll tell them one day but I just hope that maybe he can escape Purgatory along with the rest of us

Alex: it's not like I don't like anybody here it's just that I don't want them to follow me around I mean they have their own lives in this world and I have my own life to not to wander around and not do anything. Just try to avoid other Pokemon what is so hard about giving me my space I swear if someone comes into my space again I'm going to stab them in the face
There's just a lot of things about me that I just don't want people to find out I never had any friends in the past I was never noticed in the past and I don't want to be noticed now I want to be alone and that's it


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