CH 5 Mangle The Shaymin

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Alex: mangle I haven't heard about that Creepypasta before I think it's just recent I think some people say comes from the Creepypasta story called abandoned but anyway what's my opinions will mingle is a sky Shaymin of course mangle is pretty nice but to be honest I feel like she needs to move on a little bit she lost her best friend after she left him in a cave so I guess it is kind of her fault that she left him I mean I feel like that she just needs to accept it and move on in my opinion

Mangle: Alex is a great guy I mean he is a really good friend but I remember when I first met him before I became this he was a Vulpix and I was a regular Sky Shaymin when we first met each other we just became friends but then after he disappeared for such a long time I never saw him again and and then some and then that's why I left my only friend in a cave to die and then I went back he put me under a curse so now I'm stuck in purgatory like him

Alex: I mean even though it was her fault that she left her friend in that case I guess I can kind of feel bad for her I mean I'm pretty sure she didn't really mean it and she is suffering a lot because of it but I feel like she just should have accepted it and just move on I mean I'm pretty sure she just didn't mean to kill him on purpose but if she didn't mean to kill him on purpose and that's her problem not mine I didn't kill anyone I committed suicide and then I'm stuck in this body I want to get out of this body and leave Purgatory myself but I'm pretty sure I'm not going anywhere with this chain around my neck

Mangle: I do feel bad for Alex though he has that chain around his neck I mean don't you know how uncomfortable that is for him I mean he looks like a normal Vulpix just with dark red hair on the top I mean I really just do feel bad for him I mean he's just like Myra stuck by their own little chains

Alex: mangle has understand these things have been on me for a long time now for 10 years so I have grown quite used to them not the strongest weapon or the biggest mental breaker on Earth to break these these chains are paranormal nothing can break them they're like diamonds every single day they cut my neck deeper and deeper as I feel like my neck could break at any time now so that's why it's best is to move on and push forward

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