CH 3 Shadow The Shinx

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Alex: Shadow? As in Shadow the Shinx from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of death if you're talking about him then my opinion about him is actually free not good well anyway you don't know what he is Shadow is a Shinx from the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of death Creepypasta just like where Myra came from and he and Myra are actually partners

Alex: I don't know exactly how I feel about Shadow I mean he seems like a great guy no never the last but I kind of think he's more of a coward more than anything else I mean sure he may have wanted to protect Myra from the Squirtle but still I feel like he could have done a lot better and besides he was cut in half I mean seriously I think I could have done a little bit better than just get cut in half and try to kill my partner I would actually try to kill the Squirtle.
But like I said nevertheless he seems like a great guy and he seems like someone with pure of heart but I just think he's too much of a coward maybe if he was more Brave than you could possibly win over Myra which I know he has a crush on her he looked at her so freaking weird

Shadow: I like Alex he's actually pretty great Vulpix when I met him I honestly thought he was going to be like Myra you know not really talking and more of the depressed side but even though he's dead and that he committed suicide when he was a human he actually is a pretty cool guy to hang out with I mostly like to follow him around just to hang out with him

Alex: and I also want to complain about something I know I'm still talking about how he was trying to protect the Myra but did he honestly think that killing him and Myra was the best answer to their problem if I was in his shoes I would have fought the Squirtle like a man and not try to kill myself and my partner this is exactly what I'm talking about he's too much of a coward I felt like I mean for granite the Squirtle is scary as hell but still I think I would have done something a lot better than just try to keep myself and my partner to possibly get out of the suffering Rin I mean that's just stupid in my opinion

Shadow: I know that most pokemon think that me trying to kill myself and Myra was me acting like a coward but I actually just wanted to protect Myra and I actually wanted to protect everyone else because I did not want them to suffer from that Squirtle anymore I wanted to protect Myra so I have tried to kill her and myself so I wouldn't have to suffer so I can see why people would say I'm a coward

Alex: but he is a great guy and I do like to hang out with him and mostly when he's feeling down I like to help him through his problem you know maybe there is a chance for him and Myra to get together in the future I just hope Myra feels the same way about him and not feel the same way about me I don't think I'm ever going to find someone who's actually right for me maybe I'll just be the lonely Vulpix and I think it's better that way not just for me but for everyone

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