CH 4 Skye The Shaymin

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Alex: I don't know how I truly feel about Sky I mean she seems nice and she's like the only kindness pokepasta here but you know there's just really something off about her I mean she's actually from the Creepypasta called Forever mine and she's actually a human who committed suicide which I guess is really not surprising since I'm a human that committed suicide and ended up in the body of this Vulpix
But the only thing is weird about her is that she follows me around every single day every single day I look up and she's always hovering above in the air like some type of a ghost I mean I'm hate I hate to say this but she's almost worse that shadow who follows me around every single day I don't know what her problem is but she has got to stop following me

Skye: it's not like I really really want to do this but there's just something about him that I actually like I mean he is kind and I have to say he's a lot more better than brvr and Tommy Boy actually agrees with me there's just something about him that just feels I don't know how to say it right but I follow him around because I just like to observe him which actually does sound creepy after I have set in it out loud

Alex: what part about being left alone does she not understand I really just want to be alone I want to be alone Vulpix I don't want to be around anyone I don't want to be with anyone I just want to be alone is that so much to ask for in this world I mean this world is full of death and destruction but still can't a Vulpix get some quality time to themselves

Skye: I know he tries to avoid me I know he wants to be left alone but I just can't stop following him it is super creepy that I'm doing this but I just don't know how I'm supposed to handle these feelings except follow him around I mean me and him both have the same similarities we both died because of suicide and we both have things around our necks except I have a rope and he has a metal chain like Myra

Alex: so what if I'm like Myra it's not like I like her anything I don't like anyone I like everybody as friends but not as lovers boyfriends or girlfriends I just want to be friends and I just want to be left alone is that so much to ask for I mean loneliness would get to be left alone while I'm being followed
I just want to be left alone I feel like it's better this way

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