Oral pleasure

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(Author's note: I promised a new chapter today to a reader yesterday. I didn't want to break that promise. I apologize for the long absence, life has been so crazy. So I made this chater super-duper-extra long. I hope you enjoy it.)

I walked into the common room the next morning and breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed the absence of one curly-headed individual.

“He’s in his room,” Louis called, before shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. I frowned as I played with the ends of my hair, trying and catastrophically failing to be nonchalant.

“Why would I care where he is?” I asked, looking around to avoid his omniscient gaze.

“Because you know who I’m referring to. Zayn’s not here and neither is Liam, but when I said ‘he’, you knew I was talking about Harry,” Louis explained, smirking as he took another bite of cereal. That cocky b.astard.

“Well maybe I knew you were referring to him because there are so many rumours about you and him being a thing. Larry, is it? It’s cute, really. How does Eleanor feel about it?” I asked sarcastically.

“She joins in sometimes, usually on weekends when she doesn’t have work,” he teased. I chuckled and shook my head, before tossing two slices of bread into the toaster.

“What’s going on with you two anyway?” Louis seemed ever persistent on knowing all of my dirty details, probably because there was nothing else to do in here. I’d rather strip off my skin and take a walk off Hudson Bridge than tell him about my unlabelled relationship with Harry.

“Nothing, just don’t fancy seeing him today,” I told him, in hopes of brushing it off, as I spread butter on my toast passively.

“Did you fancy seeing him two days ago?” Louis asked, brandishing a knowing smirk. I turned to look at him slowly, wondering which details Harry had decided t o let Louis in on.

“Why would I?” I asked in a non-committal manner, turning my face away from him so that he wouldn’t see me start to sweat under the pressure.

“Because you both got awkward after that. Harry came back from your room looking suspicious, and you avoided him after that.” He was onto us. Louis Tomlinson was onto us.

“Well aren’t you quite the little detective?” I hoped that he didn’t see through my phatic responses. The last thing I needed was a scandal to break out, especially since there were two she-devils living here who would become positively insane if they heard about what Harry and I had been up to. None of them would believe it was a learning experience for me, because nobody could believe that one girl could be so romantically challenged.

“I am actually. But it doesn’t take a genius to tell that you’re hiding something,” Louis told me knowingly. If Harry mother f.ucking Styles told Louis about us, I would wring his neck with one of his own curly locks.

“Oh really? And why do you say that?” I asked, desperately racking my brain for more confident responses. I needed to throw him off my trail.

“Because you’ve been buttering that same slice of toast for the past five minutes,” he told me simply, before chewing the final bite of his meal and walking out of the kitchen. My eyes slowly trailed to my hands – one holding a butter knife and the other holding a now soggy piece of toast.

Tossing my toast in the bin, I decided instead to head towards the common room. Zayn was sprawled across the sofa with his feet dangling off the edge, half asleep as usual, whilst Liam and Niall flicked cards at each other with depressed expressions dominating their faces.

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