They deserved it! 3

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I nodded looking over at Zart. I can't believe his not banished. " what so your carry another person inside you?" Minho asked looking weirded out look on his face. I just looked at him with a are you serious face. " ok how do you know?" Thomas asked leaning forward " I took a pregnancy test" I whispered not to hurt my voice to much. I turned to see Newt staring at me before speaking " what we can't have a baby here how long have you known for?" " 2 weeks" I answered be quietly. " 2 WEEKS!?" Minho whisper yelled and I nodded shyly. " who's baby is it?" Gally said next to me, I look up at him then Ryan. Gally looked at me then Ryan. " Ryan's the father?" Gally said in disbelief. I nodded " when are you going to tell him?" Thomas asked crossing his arms over his chest " I'm not" I said " why not?" Newt said glaring at me. I realised the boys are acting very protective over me and Teresa. " because is he finds out he's going to hurt me or the worse the baby" I said trying to hold back tears. " so the bruises weren't from building they were from him" Minho said angrily but I couldn't tell what emotion was in his eyes. I nodded I feeling bad for not telling them sooner.

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