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Ever since Newt tried to kill him self, I became very protective towards him. We were at dinner eating strew that Frypan made which you loved. " hello earth to y/n" Gally said waving his hands in front of your face " hm sorry what did you say?" I asked looking at Gally and Minho who were like older brothers to me and I was there younger sister. You and Newt have been friends ever since you came up and always stick up for each other. Newt was walking over when he was shouldered by another glader, I jumped up with Thomas rushing to help him up. " oh sorry newt forgot you had a limp oh and how did you get it anyway?" This made my blood boil and i strode over to him " y/n don't!" Thomas and Newt said after me " oh shank Gally get ready to pull her off" Minho said to Gally mentioning to me " Oh shuck here we go" " Hey shank" I said pushing him backwards " who the shank you think your talking too!" You yelled pushing him back again " what are you doing!" He yelled back standing up. He walked up to me and your faces were centimetres apart. I just stared at him with burning angry eyes but then I felt lips on mine " oh no Gally get her!" Newt yelled. I punched him in the face sending him to the ground. I kneeled on top of him sending multiple punches to he's face before getting ripped off be Gally. I fight against he's grib " y/n calm down" he said but I still fight trying to get to the boy, he had some balls to be laughing " Y/N CALM THE SHANK DOWN!" Gally yelled throwing me to the floor and I yelped in pain when I heard a snap in my wrist. I looked up at Gally I was so taking back for he's actions before it turning into anger. " you shuck!" You screamed punches his chest before I grunted in pain again forgetting I broke my wrist " fucking shank ahhh my god" I said angrily holding my wrist " y/n I didn't mea" " shut it Gally" I said storming off to the medjacks.

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