My Foster Brother

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Hakeem kisses his teeth before speaking.

H: "I'm coming" he quickly said getting up from the bed that we were once both sitting on.

We both walked to the bathroom across the hall and went in. He locked the door right get after we enter and I place my stuff on the counter.

H: "the water is opposite"

T: "what"

H: "hot is cold and cold it hot"

T: "oh" I replied feeling like a dummy.

We sat there in an awkward silence while I waited for the water to heat up.

T: "can we not make this more awkward than it already is"

H: "how?"

T: "Talking"

H: "fine. How you'd you end up in the bullshit"

T: "abandoned at age 10. You"

H: "parents were to high off drugs to give a care about us"

I looked at him weird because I didn't know wether to get naked in front of him or just stand there like the idiot i am.

H: "I'll look away" He said walking as far away from me as possible in the bathroom and looking at the corner. I quickly got undress and got in the shower.

T: "ok.. you can turn around now"

As soon as I went in to touch the water it cold cause me to jump back.

T: "Hakeem!" I said throw some water at him from over the shower curtain. All I heard was him laugh. "It's not funny and better change the water to hot"

He stuck his hand in when to change the water and turn it to warm.

T: "your an ass you know"

H: "I'm not just wanted to mess with you"

I rolled my eyes started to put soap on my rag.

H: "how old are you"

T: "sixteen why?"

H: "just askin, I'm sixteen too"

T: "can you hand me my towel?" He handed me my towel and I thanked him.

Stepping out onto the towel on the floor Hakeem sat on the toilet, not using it, on his phone.

T: "how'd you even get a phone, I didn't they one until I was with rich white people."

H: "I get paid for rapping at night clubs"

T: "can you actually rap though?"

H: "you really doubting me already?" He asked looking up at me.

T: "noooo" I said smiling some "just asking"

H: "well you'll have to come see for yourself, I perform on Saturday"

I nodded putting my shirt on over my towel then pulling my towel down to my waist. Then putting the rest of my cloths.

T: "and thanks for staying with me"

H: "no problem"

J: "what the hell happened in there?"

Takeem OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang