seungmin thought about what jisung said about having to rush but did it had to do with this? he was probably overthinking it like always.

he dat on the cold damp floor that definitely will leave a stain on his pants but that wasn't his problem now. he hated that he didn't opened the letter in front of jisung so he could ask what the hell this eve. meant, instead of figuring it all out by himself.


he looked up, his heart racing when hyunjin suddenly stood in front of him. he gulped, his eyes quickly removing from the latter.

what was weird that he didn't heard anything, not even a sign that hyunjin or anyone was nearby. it seemed like he transported.

he wasn't ready to talk yet. he doesn't even know what he is feeling right now. seungmin stood up, his head hanging low. "i... i'm leaving."

hyunjin stopped him, raising his arm. seungmin slightly bumped against it, bouncing back in place.

"you got the note?" hyunjin obviously referred to the mysterious blue note in the latter's hand.

his stomach twisted, knowing it was just a trap. he is so stupid.


hyunjin smiled sadly, seungmin was back to his short and simple answers, probably letter the boy know that he wasn't feeling comfortable anymore, that the distance between them increased as days passed and hyunjin absolutely disliked that.

it was one of the only moments that they felt actually awkward, like there was no purpose of them being here. "can we talk? are you ready for that? if not, i can wait and you know tha-"

"lets... talk."

seungmin sat down on the spot he was just a minute ago, not waiting for hyunjin to sit down as well.

"talk." the demanding tone in seungmin was for some reason comforting to hyunjin.

"i'm sorry."

"that's it?" seungmin was so ready to leave the awkward and uncomfortable situation. he lied, he wasn't ready for this.

"no, wait. please listen to me," the latter bit his bottom lip, focussing in the beautiful brown leaves that were spread on the floor. "i've been a wreck ever since we broke up. i know i shouldn't say that as i'm the one who ruined everything that was perfect. i was selfish and i'm not going to blame anyone right now. i don't expect everything to be like they use to be but the only thing i want is to have you right by my side, i don't care if it is as a friend, stranger. just please... be by my side. i don't have much time left here so i want to end it with you."

emotions overwhelmed hyunjin. he didn't even noticed that his tears fell on his sweater, forming a stain of sadness.

it was just to much for seungmin at that moment. he froze, not being in the right mental state to think of a respond, to say whatever his heart was yelling at him.

seungmin stood up slowly, his legs aching from not moving at all. he breathed slowly, demanding the latter to stand up as well. seungmin pulled hyunjin in the warmest hug.

the boy cried so much that seungmin felt the tears through the thick layer he was wearing. the hug was the place hyunjin belonged to, the hug he missed the most out of all.

his hand patted his back slowly, comforting him. "please don't cry, jinnie."

that nickname. he missed it so so so much that he can't even express how happy he was to hear that single name.

"i-i j-just-"

"stop talking. i don't need to hear it now. you're sad and i hate that."

seungmin finally pulled away from the tight and warm hug, looking at hyunjin. his eyes were puffy and he was truly a mess. he was feeling sad as well, how much did he suffered because of me?

the boy in the rain ✘ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now