We see a man with pink hair moving closer to us, and I ask him who he is. "It would seem we meet, at last, you Deadly Sins." He replies, not really answering my question, but I play along. "Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Holy Knight, aren't you?" I finish with a question, still trying to pry information out of him.

"Gilthunder... Gilthunder is that you!? What are you up to?" Elizabeth shouts at the man. "Why are you doing this?" I look at the silver-haired girl beside me. "You know this guy?" I ask her. "Oh, yes," Elizabeth turns to me.

"Since I was a little girl, he was my father's apprentice. As an aide to the King and the son of the Holy Knights Grand Master, he was always at the palace. So I kind of grew up with him" She explains. "The son of the Grand Master, huh? Hey! Wait a minute, are you, Little Gil!?" I ask the pink-haired man who I used to train when I wasn't considered a traitor. I had heard Y/N giggle from beside me at the name I gave him.

"Huh? You know him too?" Elizabeth asks, she starts getting confused. "Sure! I used to give him lessons occasionally when I'd find myself at the royal palace and Y/N was the one who taught him about lightning magic!" I said to the princess before turning back to Gilthunder.

"Wow. You've really grown up! Then again, it has been ten years since I've seen you." I say to him. "If you have the time to ramble about this matter, it might be better spent trying to escape those bonds." He says coldly.

"Hey, this lightning seems familiar," Hawk says to me. "I know what you mean. When a certain someone blocked off Vanya's water supply and tried to blow the village away, that was you, wasn't it?" I question Gilthunder. "Sir Meliodas, that can't be! You're wrong! Gilthunder wouldn't..." Elizabeth trails off as she sees Gilthunder's hardened gaze. "No..." "These can't hold me!" Diane says and strains to break the bonds.

"Hello Gilthunder, it seems you continued to practice the lightning magic I taught you. I must admit I'm very impressed with how far you've come." Y/n spoke kindly. Little Gil's hard gaze softened a bit when Y/N spoke. I knew that Little Gil had always had a fondness for her because she was like a mother to him.

He then turns to Diane "That's useless." Gilthunder says to Diane's attempts, causing the said giant to gasp. "Diane, just save it, don't bother," I tell her, knowing that now wasn't the time to break free of the bonds. "Captain." She breathes in protest but stops to struggle.

I feel the cold blade of a sword near my neck and look at Gilthunder, Y/n gasp in the background. "Do you know why the Holy Knights are after the heads of the Eight Deadly Sins?" He asks me, and I know that Y/N is shocked at his cold tone of voice. I wouldn't blame her she had always seen him as a son.

"Not really." I answer truthfully. "Half of them are seeking revenge and total eradication of the rebel's order that plotted to overthrow the kingdom. The other half want to do glorious battle, and vanquish the legendary warriors to prove their own strength." He tells me. I look up at him and ask, "Which half are you in?" His face shows no emotion as he answers. "Both of them. No, I want more." I gaze at him questioning his word choice.

"Is that so?" Gilthunder's gaze hardens. "Yes. To avenge the death of my father, Zaratras, Holy Knights Grand Master, and to show that I am even greater than he, the most powerful Holy Knight ever known. Killing you will prove that." He says to me, causing Y/N to growl quietly. "So you're under the impression that I'm the one who murdered your father, is that it?" Gilthunder scoffs. "Are you saying you're not?" He asks me, and I once again decide to tell the truth.

I just kept up my nonchalant attitude while answering his first question "No idea. See, the thing is I don't actually remember very much from back then." Diane's eyes widen as she whispers my name. "The last thing I remember is all of us being summoned to the old castle out on the edge of town."

The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )Where stories live. Discover now