A bullet is the Key

Start from the beginning

Bobby’s eyes flashed with anger, “Give her to me” he snarled.

Ryder just held me tighter; I could feel his body begin to shake with anger.

“NO” was the only words he spoke. I watched as Bobby began to shake as well, his nose was dripping blood as he stood there the amount of bleeding had stopped but now it was swelling and it would be hard for him to see soon. I heard footsteps come up from behind Ryder and I felt the presence of Jace stand beside him.

“Leave Bobby” Jace’s voice said with anger. Bobby didn’t move, Ryder was still shaking and by the tone of Jace’s voice he was prepared to attack him if he didn’t leave. Bobby just glared at the two boys behind me. I knew that they had the same look on their faces as well. All three of them wouldn’t back down from their glaring contest.

“Enough!” a voice yelled, I turned to see Bryan and Mike making their way over. It was Bryan who spoke.

“Bobby leave her alone and stop trying to start fights with Ryder” he said calmly once he was closer, it was odd because in one moment I’m in Ryder’s arms then the next I was sandwiched between Mike and Bryan. Soon I realized why once I heard skin makes contact with skin again earning an annoyed sigh from my lips.

“What the hell” I mumbled when I turned around to see Jace punching Bobby one more time in the face before backing up. Ryder stood off to the side with a smug look on his face.

“I hope I broke your nose more you son of a bitch!” Jace yelled, his body heaving as he let all his anger out.

“I’ll have her soon anyways” Bobby said as stood up and made his way to the nurse’s office to fix his busted up face, his hand once again holding his nose as the blood gushed out.

Fear crept up my spine as I heard his threat; Bryan tightened his arm tighter around me.

“Ry” I whispered. Ryder turned toward me and saw the look on my face cause in the next second I was back in his arms. His hand rubbing down my hair, he whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I didn’t even realize the boys had left and we were standing alone in the quad.

“Come on we have to get you to class Bell” He grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. We walked in silence as we made our way to where my class was his class was across campus. He would be late. Once at my door for my management class I turned around with a small smile on my face.

“Thank you” I told him softly.

“What was in that room Bell?” his hands still held me softly but tightly as he pulled me closer to his body.

“Ryder… I can we talk about this later please?” I begged him. He just nodded his head at me as I turned around and made my way into the room. Everyone’s eyes were on me as I entered and took my seat. I didn’t care that whispers were going on around me. Taking out my notebook I began to write down what was on the board, as well as doodle on the page margin. As I heard the teacher continue talking I began to write down on a separate piece of paper about the coming carnival.


Date: March 30

Time: 10am-8pm

-Ferris Wheel, Carousel, food trucks, Booths, pony rides, merry go-round-


-Dollar for each booth, food booth two dollars, rides all cost 3 dollars each-

The professor’s voice droned on and on as she continued with her lesson. My pen had a mind of its own as I doodled on the edge of my paper, swirling lines around and around. Thoughts filled my head about what I had seen in the old green house. I cannot believe the haunted eerie feeling that crept up my spine and into my mind. After I had seen those alarming ghastly words written across pictures taken of me- pictures that I had no idea had even been taken. Though some of the pictures seemed to have been taken in familiar places where a select few of our classmates hung out at like Chrissie, Tori, Bobby, Ryan, Sydney and others. Could it be one of my classmates taking the pictures? The penmanship was messy and splotchy from the red paint that it was hard to decipher if it was written by a man or woman.

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