Chapter 6

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As we sat in silence, I looked to my left at Levi. He seemed interested, but his stoic expression was giving me shivers. My stare was caught by his, and he gave me a confused look.
"What is it?" He asked. I shook my head.
"Nothing. I just thought I..saw something." I lied. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he believed what I said. I continued to watch, but slowly felt my eyes struggle to keep open. I yawned and sat back in the couch.
"Tired?" Eren asked. I nodded and sighed.
"I should get home soon, I don't want to be a bother for you guys.." I replied. He chuckled and shook his head. The only bother here is Jean...who knows what him and Mikasa are up to upstairs." He says with a shiver. I laugh a bit.
"Why don't you stay with us for the night?" Eren asked. I looked at him and my jaw almost dropped.
"B-but...where would I sleep? And..we just met!" I exclaimed. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.
"Well, you could either sleep on the couch or in my room and I could take the couch!" He said. I looked at my phone, checking to see if my mom had sent me anything. I sighed, knowing most likely she wouldn't really mind. I nodded and smiled.
"Alright, I'll stay! Thanks for the offer.." I said with a grin. He nodded and got up.
"You can sleep in my room." He offered. I shook my head.
"It's fine, it is your room anyway!" I said. He sighed.
"If you say so! Levi, could you go get some blankets for Y/N?" He asked. Levi did his infamous 'Tch', and got up heading upstairs.

[:] Eren's POV [:]

I don't know why, but whenever I see her smile, it always makes me happy. I just met her, but I feel like I've known her all my life. What is this? I walked upstairs, to go ask Mikasa something. As I walked in, I saw her cuddling with Jean as they were watchign a movie. I gagged.
"Ew horseface, how did you manage to get with my sister." I whispered, seeing she was asleep. Jean shot a glare at me and stuck his tongue out.
"I have irresistable looks, and she just HAD to fall for me!" He exaggerated, slightly whispering. I rolled my eyes, and closed the door.
"Night dude." I said. I walked back downstairs, to see Levi tucking in Y/N. Hold on, lemme rephrase that. Levi was bundling her up like a burrito, practically suffocating her..
"You good, Y/N?" I asked a bit uneasy. Levi stood up, and walked upstairs.
"Seems comfy enough." he said as he walked upstairs.
"Night brats." I heard Levi call over his shoulder before he closed his bedroom door. I laughed a bit, and helped Y/N out of the 'burrito mess'.
"Sorry about Levi, he sure is a weird cousin, but he has a soft spot." I said with a smile. She laughed a bit, and sat up.
"I can see, he seemed a bit scary at first, but I've grown fond of him in a short amount of time." She said with a chuckle. I nodded and spread the blankets over her.
"Night Y/N, I'm glad I met you." I said. She smiled a bit a cuddled up.
"Good night, Eren." She said with a yawn. I smiled, and walked upstairs to go and get some rest myself.

[:] 4 years later, Y/N's POV [:]

I sat in my car, and sighed checking the time. Rush hour was not the best way to end a day..I glanced at my phone, seeing I was getting a call from Mikasa. I quickly picked up, epsecially since she's my best friend.
"Hey Mikasa, what's up?" I asked.
"Hey Y/N, wanna hang out? It's been a while anyway.." She said.

To be continued.

Eren x Reader x Levi [:] Rainy Days in Shiganshina AU [Completed!]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora