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some tenma x tsurugi content because I'm lazy!

"This caller cannot take your call right now, please leave a message after the beep..."

"Matsukaze, it's me. I'm the only person that leaves you voicemails since you like them so much. I promised you I'd send one every day. So this is your voicemail for the day. I know what's happened between us and I want to say I'm sorry, so sorry. I got scared and I acted like a child and I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, just say the word. I know you don't want to talk to me right now, you have every right to be mad at me. I—i don't really know what else to say. I love you, please call me back."

Tsurugi sighed, tossing his phone onto his bed. That was the tenth ignored call. Tenma had straight up ignored him for almost a week now. He'd ignored his calls, read but didn't reply to his texts and walked past him at school like he didn't exist. It hurt to be treated like he was invisible by the one he loved the most. He'd let the constant affection and attention he'd gotten from Tenma get to his head and without it he felt deprived.

He wasn't even sure when he started having feelings for him. He'd had taken an interest in the brown haired cutie since their first encounter: that pitiful excuse for a soccer game. And although Tsurugi was simply following orders, it pained him slightly having to mar such a cute face.

When he eventually joined the team, he was shocked by how... nice Tenma was to him, even after all the shit he'd done. And sure he could be enthusiastic to the point it got infuriating, but there was no doubt that Tsurugi was infatuated with the keen-spirited captain.

Tsurugi wasn't even one hundred percent sure how they started to date, it was almost inevitable that they'd end up together since Tenma wasn't the most secretive person when it came to having a crush. Everyone assumed it would happen, with Kirino even saying at the time, "Tenma always gets what he wants." He was right, his spirit and persistence was practically infectious, even though it was completely the polar opposite of his own personality.

He didn't even think it was possible to miss someone's love so much in such a short time.

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