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"W-what are you talking about? You want us to take a break?" Shindou said in complete disbelief.

Where was all this coming from? He and Ibuki had been great, so why the sudden need for a break? Maybe Ibuki had found out something he shouldn't have. The thought of it was making Shindou nervous. Ibuki however, looked as calm as he always was. He sipped lightly on the smoothie he'd ordered as he looked at Shindou's reaction. It was just as he'd expected.

"You probably think I'm crazy but I think it's for the best that we spend some time apart. I-I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and I just decided that I need a little space." Ibuki said, running his hand through his hair- an instinctive movement when he was flustered.

Space? What did he mean by space? What happened?


"Besides, I think you need to sort out your own feelings too." Ibuki continued.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, Takuto, that you need to decide wether you have feelings for that friend of yours." He said, his voice sounding snappier when he said 'friend'.

Shindou's heart skipped several beats. What. The. Fuck.

"Mune, Kirino and I are friends. J-just friends. You know that."

"Do I?"

"Huh?" Shindou said.

"You seem unable to make up your mind."

"I don't need to make up my mind, you're already my boyfriend!"

This brought the slightest blush to Ibuki's face, as much as he wanted to hug him right there, he stopped himself.

"You know he likes you. Kirino, I mean. And I've seen the way you look at him sometimes. And it's not just me being petty about it, I know he was you're first crush. I want to give you some time to think about how you're feeling. I don't want to force anything on you if you're not feeling it 100%."

Shindou took a long time to speak. So much was running through his head. Did he like Kirino? More than he liked Ibuki? Had he been hiding how he felt for months? Maybe he did need some time.

"I-I don't know. I'd like to, but I don't want to take a break."

"Why not?"

"'Taking a break' is always the first sign of a breakup."

Ibuki snorted at this, "You dummy. Where'd you read that from?"

"That's what happens in all the movies. Stop laughing at me!"

"I can't! You really say the stupidest things sometimes."

"Whatever." Shindou said, his voice pouty.

"Don't be such a baby."

"Yeah, but what if you decide you don't like me anymore and fall for some other cute brown haired and tan boy."

"Jesus Christ Takuto, I haven't broken up with you. I don't plan to either. You always find a way to make serious things funny." Ibuki sighed, leaning forward to touch Shindou's cheek, moving a stray curl of hair away from his face. He was just beautiful in every way.

Ibuki's hand was warm and smelt of hand sanitizer since he was the biggest germaphobe. Shindou placed his hand over Ibuki's and smiled. He accepted Ibuki's kiss when it came, unaware of the people watching them. And though he knew that PDA wasn't really his thing, he couldn't resist kissing him.

"Ah shit. I shouldn't really be kissing you when I said we're on a break." Ibuki said, shaking his head at himself. He finished off his third milkshake and took Shindou's too.

"We haven't broken up, we're technically still dating." Shindou said, smirking.

"I guess so."

"When I leave you can't speak to me for a week, no physical contact. Or that." Ibuki said, stopping Shindou short of slipping his hand up his thigh.

"You're no fun."

"Take this seriously, babe."

"Yes, sir." Shindou said, pulling a mock salute.

"I'm leaving now." He said, standing up straight and putting his coat back on.

"See you." Shindou said with a wink.

Ibuki rolled his eyes and left the restaurant with a little wave. He sighed. Shindou always acted like such a little kid around him. It was a part of Shindou that Ibuki was glad that only he could see. He shoved his hands into his pockets and strolled along the dark street, nothing but the streetlights spaced far apart giving any light. He'd really underestimated how long they'd been there. It wasn't this dark before. The light buzz from his phone in his jeans snapped him out of his thoughts.

'You never said anything about texting ;))' was his boyfriend's well thought out text.

'Goodnight Takuto'

'You're no fun'

'*is already asleep*'


Ibuki smiled to himself.

He didn't think this 'break' was going to last long at all.

A really stupid filler chapter because I'm running out of ideas. I need to start brainstorming.

The Space Between [RanTaku] [MuneTaku]Where stories live. Discover now