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Why was Shindou feeling so troubled? Surely Kirino would understand? Of course he'd understand! He was his best friend after all. He'd supported Kirino on several different occasions and Kirino had done the same to him. So why did this case seem... different? It wasn't nerves: he rarely got nervous about anything.

Shindou knew the reason, and it was evident no matter how hard he tried to deny it: he didn't want to tell Kirino because seeing him again during that call brought back the feelings he'd been trying desperately to hide for months. It always made Shindou feel guilty: he knew he shouldn't feel that way about someone other than Ibuki. If he avoided Kirino then maybe it would go away.

"Hey! We're here! We're back in Japan!" An overexcited Tenma shouted.

Japan. He was back in Japan. Shindou gave a small smile. He'd see everyone again. He'd see his parents again. He'd see Kirino, his best friend, again. Why did the thought of that make him so nervous?


"Welcome back everyone!" A multitude of people shouted before several fireworks exploded in the air and confetti fell over the train. Kirino clapped and cheered at the firework display with the rest of Raimon and waited for the train doors to open. The doors opened and the team came out, waving and smiling at everyone. Kirino craned his neck to see what was going on. He spotted Shindou standing next to Tsurugi and Tenma. He looked even better than he did during the call. Shindou turned and caught Kirinos bright blue eyes.

In that moment, Kirino felt a spark, but it was gone the instant it came. Shindou smiled weakly then turned around again. It was as if he didn't even notice Kirino was standing there at all. Something was clearly wrong. Shindou wouldn't ignore him. Would he? Kirino had noticed a few differences in Shindou, even if it was only through a call.

Wow, that was close. Shindou turned to face the crowd, his mind completely occupied with the thought of that moment with Kirino. Kirino wasn't the only one that felt a spark. Shindou felt it too, only he realised what he was doing and snapped out of it. He'd already made the decision to avoid Kirino with whatever it took. If he avoided him, he would also avoid having to tell him anything.

"Hey, you okay?" Ibuki's voice came from behind him. Shindou turned to see his boyfriend covered head to toe in confetti and wearing a wreath of flowers around his neck. It softened Shindou's stony-faced expression to see him looking so thoroughly disgruntled.

"I'm fine." Shindou replied

"You know you don't always have to be so tense." Ibuki folded his arms.

"I'm not being tense."

"Yeah, sure." Ibuki raised an eyebrow, his lips curling into a grin.

"I'm not!" Shindou smiled, Ibuki always knew how to cheer him up.

"You're smiling now. It looks better on you." Ibuki put his hands on Shindous waist and pulled him closer.

"Well it's hard not to smile when you're here." Shindou laughed.

"Don't be so cheesy."

"Whatever." Shindou pressed his lips onto Ibukis in a short kiss, forgetting about where they were.

Almost everyone saw them kiss. Everyone except Kirino...

Sorry it's such a short one! I hope you enjoyed!

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