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"Crap, what the hell am I doing?" Shindou yelled out loud to himself.

'I kissed Kirino.' The words kept echoing in his head.

'I. Kissed. Kirino'

'I kissed Kirino, and I liked it.'

Oh hell.

After the feeling of pure ecstasy of what had happened with Kirino earlier, it had occurred to him when Kirino had left that he'd basically just cheated on Ibuki. Twice.

....With his best friend...

Jesus, he hated the sound of the word, even in his head. It was just too accusing.

But that was what he'd done, he'd cheated, badly. Why did Kirino have to be so damn irresistible? That kiss at school was completely out of form and although he knew he shouldn't have done it, he couldn't help himself. Heck, he couldn't even stop thinking about him. Maybe it was the way his blue eyes looked at his own, or the way he always seemed to gently bite his lip whenever they kissed. Or maybe it was the fact that whenever he saw him, his mind went fuzzy and he felt like a real person.

"Dammit! What the hell am I thinking?" Shindou buried his face into a pillow, attempting to block out his thoughts about Kirino.

Ibuki. What would he say if he ever found out about what happened? He'd never speak to him again, and he'd be hurt to say the least. Really, really hurt. Shindou cared about him way too much to ever hurt him, but then there were these feelings he had for Kirino. There was also the fact that he can't be with someone and be kissing someone else. Damn, he really was a cheater.

Was it even possible for a person to be so mindfucked?

Shindou was snapped out of his thoughts by the loud and slightly jarring sound of his phone.

Munemasa: 'Hey Takuto, we haven't seen each other all week. Wanna meet up somewhere?'

Shit. The timing couldn't have been better. How could he stand in front of Ibuki and act like everything was normal when in fact he'd kissed his best friend twice in the same week? No, he wasn't gonna do that. He was going to tell him the whole truth- minus the fact he had feelings for Kirino. Adding salt to an open wound wouldn't help. The only flaw: doing that would destroy his relationship completely.

'Yeah, what time?' He texted back, forgetting he had been holding his breath.

Munemasa: 'Twenty minutes?'

Shindou: 'Okay, see ya.'

Munemasa: 'Love you <3'

As much as Shindou didn't feel like smiling, he had to. Ibuki could actually be so adorable.

Shindou: 'Love you too <3'

But for some reason, the words seemed to have lost their meaning.

He'd really screwed up.

I know, "You haven't updated this since like ever!" I know. But here's the next chapter. Short as hell but what can you do? And I'm sorry I have so many chapters in Shindou's perspective! I'll change it up a bit. If I can.

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