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"Mune- what are you doing here?"

"You see this is exactly why I wanted to take a break Shindou." Ibuki said, ignoring his question. His voice was too calm, almost as if he'd seen this coming.

Shindou was shocked to say the least. Ibuki had never ever called him by his second name, even before they started going out. At first it was to tease him, but then it became something much more than that. Something much deeper.


"I work here, I'd tried to tell you that day but you were more interested in talking about Kirino and I see why."

"Mune, please."

"So, how long have you two been going out behind my back? Decided to make it official today huh?"

"Of course not! How could you say that—"

"Because it's exactly what I'm seeing!"

"Since when were you one to judge something by how it looks. It's not true—"

"Shindou, stop trying to lie to me. I know. I've known for a while now. I've had my suspicions about you two. This has been going on for a lot longer, hasn't it."

"I—i can explain..." Shindou could feel his voice trailing away, as if his body was shutting down. He felt like he was about to be sick.

"No! It's fine. You don't have to explain a thing. I asked you to make a choice and you chose him, I was a fool for hoping you'd pick me because for me, there's no one else I'd choose, it was just you. And now I don't even have that anymore."

"Mune- please you've got to hear me out." Shindou could feel himself choking up, he wasn't about to cry, he wouldn't let himself. Boys don't cry.

"I've heard and seen just about enough, Shindou. I'm done. We're done."

No way. It wasn't true, he didn't just break up with him.

He didn't.

He couldn't have...


Shindou wasn't even sure how he got out of there, but the next thing he knew, he was sat by the riverside. He'd been dumped. Dumped. How is someone supposed to react after that? He'd never been dumped before, Ibuki was his first ever boyfriend.

Was. He'd been dumped. By his first ever boyfriend. How was he supposed to react to that?

"Shindou I am so so sorry, this is all my fault, I should never have-" Shindou had completely forgotten that Kirino was there. And he completely lost it.

"Yeah you know what, it is your fault, because thanks to you I've lost one of the best things that's ever happened to me!"

"Shindou- I'm—"

"Don't even apologise, you've done just about enough!" He didn't know what was coming out of his mouth, but it felt good to vent off.

"If there's anything I can do I'll-"

"The best thing you could do right now is leave, just go, please."

"Shindou, please don't push me away-"

"Push you away? Don't make me laugh! Kirino I don't need you, I have never needed you! Just go away!"

"I see how it is."

Shindou's eyes widened, realising how awful what he'd just said had sounded.

"Shit, Kirino- I didn't mean that-"

"No, you meant every word of it. I know you did." Kirino said, turning away and leaving.

The Space Between [RanTaku] [MuneTaku]Where stories live. Discover now