I sighed and let it go. "It's fine. I just don't really like the selection at this cafeteria, so I tend to order a very limited range of food."

"I am aware of all you order," he grinned triumphantly, making me laugh. We walked into the lunchroom, still hand in hand, and the room quietened. Warren raised a brow at the room in general. I heard a wolf whistle and turned to the basketball table. Warren's friends were laughing and a few made kissy faces. Laughing too, Warren relaxed and walked me to my table. He stopped and kissed my hand, his eyes on me as my friends ogled. "Enjoy."

When he left, I looked round the table. Derek sat with his arm around Anya, avoiding my eyes, and Chuck sat next to Amber.

"Um, so I think this place setting is yours," Anya giggled, pointing next to her. On the table was a takeout food bag from a place I didn't recognize. As I sat down, they leaned in curiously. Chuck whistled when he saw me take out a warm container and a carton of fruit juice. I flipped it open to see a pasta dish that I'd never had before and looked up questioningly.

"He got you Italian?" Anya squeaked, and then she became incoherent.

"Wow. Okay, he is definitely going all out on you," Amber smiled, dimpling.

"His takeout is pasta," I said, raising both brows. "What's wrong with a burger and fries?"

My girl friends gasped and Chuck laughed as I looked up to find Warren laughing from the chair back at his table, his eyes on me.

"Um, hello? Do you have any idea what that is?" Anya demanded. When I shook my head, she went on to name the dish, which I didn't follow. "Do you have any idea how expensive that is? That is the only place in this town that offers such food, and I have no idea how the Black Cats even get them to make it to go. It doesn't offer a takeout feature. Too cultured."

I had sampled the dish, and was suddenly in utter bliss. "Hmm, so good!" I moaned, then something she said hit. "Wait, this is crazy expensive?"

"Crazy," Amber confirmed. "And you have to be, like, somebody to even get a reservation there. It's the fanciest and most exclusive restaurant in town. In about three towns, actually."

"Those guys are only in because their parents are rich and they're connected to Warren," Anya said, eyes on the basketball team.

"They do this often?"

"They don't touch cafeteria food. Like, ever. They always order in. Which is against school rules but again, Warren." Chuck chuckled after his little speech.

I wanted to be mad at Warren, but it was so hard when I was enjoying my lunch way too much. After a little while of me happily enjoying possibly the best food ever, a throat cleared near me.

"Um, Belle." I looked up. Derek looked uncomfortable as he leaned over to me. "About the other day... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that."

I nodded. "It's cool. I know it came as a surprise and you were just worried about me. But there's nothing to worry about. Warren makes me happy." I blushed as I remembered his similar words this morning, and I snuck a glance at him. He was grinning widely and winked at me.

"As you can see," Anya added, bringing me back to the conversation.

Derek cleared his throat again and said, "Yeah. Well. Just...sorry."

When the school day ended I was impatient to see Victor. That is, until Warren appeared after my lesson again. "How was your lunch?" he asked as he took me to my locker.

Oh yeah, there was still that issue. "It was delicious. Absolutely heavenly. How much did it cost?"

He caught my tone. "Does that matter?"

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now