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Niall's point of view:

After a long and boring meeting with management, we finally left and got stuck with an interview for 5 hours.


But in the end I couldn't wait until I got back to Zayn. He wasn't looking to great when we left. But I know he's in good hands at lest with Lou. That reminds me I was going to send her a text and ask her how Zayn was. So I got my phone out of my pocket, and hide it under the table in my lap so the live audience couldn't see it.

Slowly I typed out "Hi Lou how's Zayn feeling? We should be back in around 3 hours or so." And pressed send.

The strange thing that got me thinking was that she still hasn't replied. And I sent that message 2 hours ago. We only have one hour of the interview left, but I'm starting to get fidgety and nervous that something has happened to Zayn. And that's why she hasn't text back.

"Niall you okay, you've gone all fidgety?" The interviewer asked. As he said that everyone went quiet and had all eyes on me. I blushed looking down, knowing I was caught and had to explain.

"Sorry I'm just worried about Zayn. He wasn't very well when we left." I answered, finding the ground to be very interesting.

I'm sure my face turned red as a tomato, when I heard the audience aw and Liam patting my back while whispering "he'll be find Niall" into my ear.

"I know" I whispered back, only to turn even more red when Liam gave me a knowing smirk. Let me tell you, the boys all except Zayn of course think I have a huge crush Zayn. But to tell you the truth I do have a huge crush on him, but I wont admit that I do because Zayn isn't gay. And now that probable leaves you thinking, 'Doesn't that make you gay?'. Well yes in deed I'm gay but only my very close family know.

I must of been zoned out for a while, because the next thing I know the interviewer is saying thank you for coming today. Looking around confused Liam quickly bumps my shoulder with his, before standing up ready to leave. Quickly collecting myself I wave politely to the crowd, and quickly walk off stage to catch up.

"Okay boys lets make this smooth so we can get you boys back to the hotel nice and quick." Paul explained before rushing us out towards the van. Security actually managed to get us through with no problems, and soon enough we were on our way back to the hotel.

I got my phone out to text Lou, but my mind travelled back to three hours ago when she didn't answer my last text. Shaking my thoughts away, I send her another text saying were about 10 minutes away. Putting my phone away I join into the other boys conversation to distract myself, until the car came to a stop outside of our hotel. We all kept our conversation going until Harry cut us all off, not long after walking into our hotel room.

"Um guys both Zayn and Lou are gone" Harry interrupted.

"What?" I ask walking towards the bedrooms, only to see that Harry's right. I look around the bedroom and bathroom, just checking if Zayn had just moved somewhere else with Lou. The more I look the more worried I got. A hand on my shoulder stopped me, and I turned around to see Liam.

"Calm down Niall they can't be far. How about we look around the rest of the hotel?" Liam asked before guiding me out off the bedrooms and out of the hotel room. We all decided to split up to cover more ground. Just as I stepped out into the lobby, I swear I could off slapped myself over the head millions of times. I could have just rang Lou. Rolling my eyes I reach into my pock for my phone, but stop frozen when I spot her sitting on the edge of the forest through one of hotel windows.

"Like how didn't we see her coming in?" I whisper to myself before digging my phone out and sending the boys a text saying, 'I found Lou' only to receive a text back from Liam saying 'Just ran into Paul and he needs Louis, Harry and myself for another meeting, and unfortunately we wont be back until later tonight'. I replayed with a simple okay see you later. After the text was sent I shoved my phone back into my pocket, and started in sneak out through the staff door. Once I was out I gently shut the door as quiet as possible, yet Lou's head snapped up like she knew someone was behind her. And that's kind of weird because even myself couldn't hear the door click closed.

I crept as quiet as I could over the grass, but jumped about a metre in the air when Lou turned around. I froze in place again not know what to say, since Lou just sat there with one eyebrow raised in question. Quickly regaining my composer I took a deep breath and made a step towards Lou.

"What happened to Zayn?" I asked also raising one of my eyebrows, and crossing my arms. Lou sighed before standing up and walking to stand in-front of me.

"Don't worry Niall he's okay. Zayn just needed some air, so I sent him on a quick walk. He'll be back soon." Lou explained giving me a smile and patting my shoulders with both hands. But to me that smile looked very unconvincing and unsure.

Then everything came together.

Zayn rushing away from us, and finding him sitting literally on the edge of the forest. Then Lou saying she sent him on a walk, while she was sitting at the edge of the forest. And I noticed that Zayn's combat boots were missing from the bedroom, and he only wears those when he goes for very long walks or we're going hiking. He was trying to get to the forest, and now he's out there somewhere on his own. Turning back to Lou as fast as I could, she was just about to walk through the back door when she froze after I yelled -


She stayed from for a couple of seconds, but she continued through the door of the hotel. Leaving me alone outside. Turning back to the forest my nerves became the best of me, before I took a deep breath and started walking into the forest in search for the love of my life.

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