Help of a friend

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Zayn's point of view:

Faking being sick was probably the best thing I've come up with. Not that I hate my job or anything, it just allows me to have some alone time. Even though I still haven't had the chance to shift.

When we got back to out hotel room last night, Liam put me straight back into bed. Then turned down the air-conditioner to a cooler temperature. And hay I couldn't complain because the cooler temp did feel very nice, even though my wolf body temp prevented me from feeling most of it.

Louis and Harry went back to bed, but luckily for me - note the sarcasm - Niall and Liam stayed up and continuously tried to get my 'body temperature' down. Not soon enough morning came, and so did Paul to get us up and ready for the day.

"Boys come on, up and at it" Paul bellowed through the room, causing all but myself to climb out of bed.

"Pauly please keep your voice down, Zaynie here isn't feeling very well." Niall asked, while running his hand through my hair. Something I only allow if I'm 'sick'.

"Sorry. Is he okay though?" Paul ask, walking closer to the bed. I could tell because of my wolf senses, and they were stronger than ever since I haven't shifted in a while. So even when Paul put his hand to my forehead, I didn't even open my eyes knowing they would glow.

"Do you boys know what he has?" Paul asked, backing up from the bed.

"No we have no clue, but what we do know is that he gave us quite the scare last night." Liam explained whispering.

"What do you mean?" Paul whispered back.

"Well Niall woke us up at 1 in the morning saying that Zayn had disappeared, and he was right because he wasn't in bed. Then when we found him he was sitting out near the edge of the forest. He basically fainted in my arms, and I had to carry him back." Liam replied.

"Well lets hope he's better tomorrow, I'll have Lou look after him since you guys need to get going. You have your first interview in a 1 hour, so lets get going." Paul explained before I heard the door click closed.

"Should we wake him up?" Niall whispered.

"No let him sleep, lets just get ready and wait for Lou to arrive before we head down to the van." Liam replied.

I moved around a bit to get comfy, and pretended to cough just to add effect. Niall started to shush me, since my fake cough turned into a full out coughing fit. Groaning because that really hurt, I rolled over and laid my head on Niall's abdomen.

"Oh Zaynie" Niall whispered, and started to run his hand through my hair.

"Nialler come on we need to get going. He'll be right." I heard Liam whisper from the door into the bedroom.

"Okay coming" Niall whispered back, and started to stand up. I groaned and reached out for him to come back, because not only was he really comfy but when he was playing with my hair. It was actually putting me to sleep.

"It's okay Zi I'll be back later today. Just get some sleep." Niall instructed, and lent down to press a kiss to my cheek before leaving the room. I was then left in silence, until I heard the pitter patter of feet outside of the bedroom. I quickly sat up because I could smell another wolf, but this wolf had their identity scent covered so I couldn't pin who they were. I kept my eyes closed so they wouldn't know I was an Alpha, and covered my identity scent before laying back down.

All of a sudden a very familiar voice rang through the room. Lou Teasdale our hair and make-up stylist. The only other wolf on our crew.

"I'm taking your not really unwell, because us wolves can't get sick?" Lou ask from the door way. I sighed sitting up but not opening my eyes.

"Hay honey what's wrong?" Lou asked walking over and sitting next to me on the bed. "You know you can tell me anything, since we are the same kind." Lou continued.

I sighed again, then started to slowly open my eyes to reveal my glowing red eyes. My eyes meet Lou's and saw the look of sorriness on her face.

"You haven't been able to shift have you?" She asked softly, while giving my shoulders a gently rub. I shake my head no, not trusting myself with how agitated my wolf is.

"Well you need to shift and soon, before you loose full control and hurt someone." Lou explained, looking around to find something to help our problem.

"Here why don't we go out to the forest, and you can shift. Don't worry about anything else, I'll handle it."

Lou explained the plan, before jumping up and pulling me with her. She went straight to my suitcase, and threw me one of my black skinny jeans and a plain black shirt before walking out of the room. I took that as my Que to change, so once changed I slipped on a pair of black combat boots before meeting Lou out in the living room area.

"Ready to go?" Lou asked opening the hotel door. I just nod in response and walked out, heading straight to the elevator. Luckily Lou was also a wolf because I walked in wolf speed, and not so patiently pressing the elevator door. As soon as the doors opened both Lou and I walked in, and waited again for them to reopen.

When they opened I just ran as fast and I could out through the hotel doors, not waiting you Lou. I even didn't care when I reached the edge of the forest, and shifted mid air landing on all four. Quickly looking back Lou gave me a simple nod of the head, and that was all it took for me to take off into the forest.

Now this is where the fun begins.

The hunt and kill, or where wild animals become lunch.

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