She thought for a moment before a smile crept on her face. She motioned for him to come closer.
He did so, eagerly and she whispered something in his ear.

"I want you.." she took a breath, running her hand lightly up his chest. " do kareoke in front of all these people." a smug smile was on her face as she pulled away to look at his reaction.

His jaw was clenched as his eyes bore into hers, frustrated. Then his expression suddenly changed into a devilish one. "Ok, if that's what you want ." a ghost of a smirk hinted on his face.


An hour or so had passed when the Mystic grill grew quiet as the music stopped playing. The sound of a microphone ringing drew their attention to the stage.

A tipsy Kai fumbled with the stand, trying to get the microphone to detach as he held a glass of alcohol in his other hand.

Y/N giggled as she watched him stumble about also shocked to see he was actually going to do this.

The music began to play as Kai took a sip of his drink before placing it on a stool beside him, starting to sing.

There were a few boos and groans heard about the room, some of them coming from her own table, but Y/N was in a fit of laughter as Kai stumbled back over to the table.

"Wow. What a song choice!" Y/N spoke through laughter.

"What the hell did I just listen to?" Damon complained, pulling a disgusted face.

"Talent, Damon." Kai gloated as he placed an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

"I didn't know it was possible to sing that painfully." Stefan winced.

Before they could continue their conversation, the sound of a voice cut them off. Their attention drew to the stage. "Well that was.. Something. Very festive. Anyway, Next up we have Y/N Y/L/N. Thankfully we're back to Christmas songs." the guy called out, rolling his eyes.

"Omg I can't belive you signed up for it without me!" Caroline turned to Y/N with a shocked look as she nudged her arm.

"That's because I didn't." she replied when a sudden realisation came to her. She turned to look at Kai who had a huge grin on his face.

"You're welcome." He removed his arm and stepped back.

"I'm not doing it. No way." Y/N glared at him.

Kai shrugged before quietly chanting. Y/N suddenly had no control over her body as she was forced to walk over to the stage by some unknown force. Once in front of the mic stand, she couldn't willingly move her feet. It was as if she was glued to the floor.

"I definitely need to be more drunk for this." Y/N whispered as she managed to lean forward and grab a glass off the waitress passing by the stage. She quickly downed the alcoholic drink as the joyful music floated about the room.

She began to sing, much to the crowds displeasure but at this point she didn't care. She was actually having fun for once. There was no drama. No rush to save the world. No real supernatural disturbance. It was like any other ordinary mundane night. Being one of the only humans in the group made her cherish these time even more. So she sang as loud and obnoxiously as she could.


The grill closed around 3am and the group of friends were the last to leave. Y/N slurred her goodbyes to them before they all headed their separate ways, herself walking home with Kai.

Y/N pulled her jacket tighter around herself for warmth  as she continued to stumble home. Kai noticing this, put his arm around her side to carefully guide her. He'd decided to sober up early on in the night knowing he'd have to be the responsible one for once to make sure they got home safe.

They arrived home fairly quickly and Kai helped her into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed. Her body limp almost like a rag doll and her eyes were glazed over as she tiredly looked up at him.

"T-thanks you." she slurred out.

"For what?" he frowned, beginning to carefully remove her shoes.

"Tonight. It's fun. You're funnyyy." she giggled to herself as she lazily ran her fingers through his hair.

He shook his head with a laugh before standing up. "Come on. Need to get you ready for bed."

Y/N gave a cheeky smile as she reached for the belt loops of his jeans, tugging a little.

"No no no. Not that." Kai gripped her wrists and moved her hands away. "You're too drunk. I meant get in your pj's and have some water and medicine."

She pouted as she tried to reach for him again but couldn't. "The only thing I'm thirsty for is you. "

Kai decided to ignore her and helped to get her ready and lay her under the covers. Then he head to the bathroom to sort himself out but stopped in his tracks when he felt something hit him. "Did you just smack my ass?"

Y/N giggled as she half hid under the covers. "It's a nice ass." she shrugged.

"Go to sleep, Y/N." He shook his head with a laugh as he entered the bathroom.

When he came back into the room however, Y/N was passed out. All he could hear were her shallow breaths as he climbed into bed and pulled her close, drifting off to sleep too.


(A/N) : Hello! Sorry that this chapter may seem a bit all over the place. I just had this idea in my head and went ahead and wrote it down. I hope it'll make sense though. I just wanted to do a fun one. I added the clip in too because it's one of my favourite scenes and I was in fits of laughter watching it, plus it went with this chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now