2《 Jake

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(A/N):  I just wanted to let you guys know that this imagine will be a sad one but I hope you all still enjoy. ❤


Being stuck in the corden brought a mixture of experiences and feelings that were either common or new. Y/N had begun to expect anything even if it was usually considered to be 'out of the ordinary' but today was an exception. Today brought the unexpected expected. The virus was spreading at a faster rate and the isolation rooms in the hospital were almost full. Y/N had left the quiet hospital waiting room, where her and others had been staying since the outbreak began, in search for food. However, what she did find was far from what she had expected.

"Dad..." Her feet were frozen to the ground as her eyes widened in shock. In front of her was a man with messy grey hair and worn features. He wore disheveled clothes and held his hands flat out in front of him. This man almost looked like a stranger to Y/N. Almost. Y/N suddenly became aware of her surroundings and quickly called for a doctor to come help her father. Within minutes he was led to an isolation room as Y/N followed quickly behind. "What happened?" Her eyes held the same look of fear as her fathers did, however he was better at hiding it.

"I came in to contact with someone infected. I got here as fast as I could." He whispered, still seeming to be in shock.

"How? What happened dad?" Y/N urged him to explain.

"There was a girl, not much older than 10. She knocked on my door asking for food and I couldn't help but think of you, my little girl, and I hoped you were ok. Somewhere safe." He nodded before continuing."I asked her where her parents were to which she had said they'd died. She was scared, you could see it in her eyes. I went and gathered her up some food and handed it to her and just as I did she coughed. The coughs worsened in an instant and soon I was covered in blood and the poor girls lifeless body had dropped to the ground...I came in to contact with someone infected. I got here as fast as I could." He repeated the last few sentences again but in a saddened tone.

"You'll be ok Dad, I promise. In 48 hours you'll be on this side with me and we can be together. Jake will be back soon and then we can talk about what things you're going to teach your grandchild and we can start planning for christmas. There's so much to look forward to." The mention of this seemed to bring her dad back to his normal self.

"Don't worry yourself over me, dear. I'll be fine. Remind me when Jake gets here to nag him about proposing to you again." He joked as he let out a soft chuckle.

"Dad." She groaned shaking her head as a smile crept onto her face.

"I'm happy for you two and I'm so so proud of what a lovely young woman you've become. You have such an amazing life ahead of you and you've given me the gift of not only being a father but a grandad too."

"Dad. Please don't.." She looked at him sadly. "You're sticking round to see your grandchild be born and to be at my wedding." She laughed slightly "We're strong us Y/L/N's remember."

"I'm sorry to interupt but we have to run some tests and the rooms need cleaning and..clearing. It won't be safe for you to be in this hallway so I'm going to have to ask you to return to the waiting room." Doctor Cannerts informed Y/N. "I will keep you updated on any changes with your father's well being." He led her out of the hallway before going back to his duties leaving her to wander back to the waiting room where she situated herself on her bed.


Hours had passed as she stared blankly at the wall ahead of her, the reality finally settling in of what the outcome of this all may be. She wished for many things in that time, things such as answers, a cure and comfort. She wanted answers as to how her father was doing. Would he survive? A cure. A cure for everyone,for this all to end without anymore loss of life. Comfort. Comfort in knowing her father could be ok. Comfort also from loved ones in this time of worry. The only loved ones she had however were unavailable at that moment. The first being her ill father and the second being her boyfriend, of 3 years, Jake. Jake was still out there somewhere on patrol just like every other day.

They'd both ended up trapped in the corden, unable to go home as their shared apartment was on the other side. On the day it had all begun Jake was on duty trying to solve the case of patient zero. Y/N on the other hand was on her way to an appointment with the doctor after experiencing some issues with her pregnancy. Everything appeared to be fine and she was told to return if anything happened again.The appointment had ended and she was about to leave when Dr Cannerts had informed her of the outbreak and the new imposed lock down thus resulting in them both being stuck here.

Y/N was worried at this moment in time. Her emotions were bottled up inside of her as she waited for something, anything to happen and within a matter of seconds it did. Dr Cannerts entered the waiting room and left in what seemed like a blink of an eye when in reality it had been longer. The news of her fathers passing had caused the world around her to slow down and the sound of Dr Cannerts voice to fade into just a faint noise.Her body was frozen in place and her face was emotionless apart from the tears that began to fall from her eyes. Everything around her was blurry with the grief stricken thoughts that flooded her mind.

Doctor Cannerts had seen Jake on his way out of the room and quickly informed him on the news he had just broken to Y/N moments ago. Jake made his way to the room and noticed her figure sat silently sobbing. He hurriedly made his way next to her, sitting beside her and pulling her into his chest where she suddenly became aware of her surroundings once more. She gripped his shirt tightly into her fists as his arms wrapped around her shaking form, muffled cries being the only sound that could be heard. His own eyes began to water at seeing the state his love was in and out of grief for the man he'd come to know during the past few years with Y/N.


Time had passed and Y/N finally pulled away from Jake 's embrace. They were both silent neither sure of what to say or even if to speak at all but Jake started the conversation. "Talk to me. Let out whatever is going on in your mind."

"Too much." She sighed as the tears continued to fall. "He's gone. My dad. The one person who's been in my life since day one, the only person who stayed and cared for me when I was born is...gone." Her voice faltering as she spoke. "It hurts in so many ways for so many reasons. Right now all I can think of is the bad things, the things he and I will miss out on. Birthdays. He won't be at my wedding. He won't be able to give me away. No more family holidays together. I won't be able to go to him for advice. He won't even get to see his grandchild, our baby, grow up." She took in a deep breath before continuing. "A part of my life is missing and I don't know what to do. What should I do Jake?" She looked at him with tear filled eyes and he gently took her hands in his.

"I can't tell you that, you have to figure that out for yourself but there's something i can tell you, something I do know..." He reached a hand up to the side of her face and gently caressed her cheek, wiping a few tears as he did so. "I know that people that love us..they stay with us. We might not always realise it but they're always watching over us, not missing a moment of our lives. They stay here." He moved both of his hands to hold one of hers and placed it against his heart. "It's ok to grieve. To question things. To seek comfort. To talk about things, whatever is going on in your mind. It's also ok to smile. To celebrate his life. You're not getting over it just simply moving on to the next stages of life with your dad proudly getting to watch his beautiful daughter in spirit." She smiled slighlty as did he before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Thank you." She whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

After a brief moment of silence he spoke again. "What would you like to do?"

"Right now..I want to stay like this and tell you that I love you." She spoke softly as her tears slowed.

"I love you too." He gently kissed her cheek and laid down with her. She stayed in his arms with her head against his chest as he held her close to him, the rhythm of his heart allowing her to be lulled to sleep.

One thing she had wished for had come true. Comfort, something she was most grateful for especially under these circumstances.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now