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The Mystic grill was packed with what seemed like the whole town. Laughter, music and chatter filled the air. Full glasses clinked together as everyone enjoyed the lively atmosphere.

Christmas was a time most celebrated by the people of Mystic Falls. They held grand events like the annual tree decorating ceremony and christmas fairs.

Christmas was one of Y/N's favourite holidays because it brought the people she cared about most, together. She had organised a night out at the Mystic grill a couple days before Christmas day. There was a few reluctant grumbles from some of her friends, who believed there was better things to do with their time, but in the end they agreed.

Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Y/N were all gathered around a table, slowly emptying their glasses of alcohol as they chatted amongst themselves.

"It feels like forever since we were last all out together." Elena spoke up over the noise.

"I know right! It's been way too long. We need to make this a night to remember which is why I was thinking-" Carlonie had a huge smile on her face, one that suggested she had thought of something brilliant.

"No. No way. We are not doing kareoke." Bonnie whined.

"Oh come onnn. It'll be so fun, right? Back me up Y/N." Caroline looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I don't know. I don't have enough drink in me and even then I'd be way too awkward to actually get up in front of all these people." Y/N laughed lightly, taking a sip of her drink.

"Ugh. You're all a bunch of party poopers?" Caroline pouted.

"Cheer up Barbie. Life's not all about you." a familiar voice spoke causing the whole group to look up at none other than Kai Parker.

"What is he doing here?" Bonnie spoke through gritted teeth.

"I invited him." Y/N replied, a small smile on her face as she looked up at Kai who casually pulled over a chair to sit on.

"You did w-" Damon began before being cut off by Kai.

"I haven't been to a party like this in forever. Is the alcohol still good here? last I remember it was pretty weak. How about the food, still soggy? I'm starving." his eyes lit up as he spotted a basket of chips and he quickly grabbed a few, shoving them in his mouth.

Y/N shook her head with a laugh as she pushed the basket of chips towards him. Everyone else groaned in annoyance. The tension didn't go unnoticed by everyone, well everyone except Kai who was blissfully munching away as he scrolled through his phone.

Y/N noticed the changed atmosphere and quickly spoke up. "Anyone want another drink? My round." a few grumbles of yes's were heard and Y/N took that as her cue to head to the bar. Closely followed by Kai.

"I see everyones in there usual chipper mood." He spoke giving a sarcastic smile. He was stood fairly close to Y/N whilst they waited for service at the bar.

"Well they're going to have to deal with it. It's my choice." she mumbled as she kept her focus forward.

Kai noticed the somewhat saddened tone of her voice. He hated that none of Y/N's so called 'friends' respected their relationship. They all despised him and her choice to be with him and although Y/N would never admit it, it affected her deeply the way they acted. He decided to change the subject to keep her mind from wandering as he lightly gave her shoulder a nudge with his own as they leaned against the counter. "Your round meaning you'll get me food?" he smirked.

"I swear you're always hungry." she laughed as she finally turned to look at him. "Fine, but you owe me."

"What did you have in mind?" he winked.

Kai Parker/Jake Riley ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu