The Beginning

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{Some scenes within this story can be rather brutal. You have been warned}

Funny how things can change so much within a night. At one point your alive and the next your not. 

There in the dark streets of hell layed a young lady. As she slowly awoken, she leaned up holding her head.

"Geez my head is killing me." she says as she gets to her feet now taking the chance to observe the new area around her.

It seemed to be a broken down street, somewhere where a girl should never be alone. Everything seemed to be coated in a red shine, looking up to see a red moon and a giant...

"Pentagram? Clearly this aint Florida." looking around once again, stopping at her reflection in a broken shop window.

The sight of herself frightened her as she falls back in a panic. Once she calmed herself, she stood up slowly keeping her eyes on her so called reflexion. A rather skinny young lady with pale white skin, Long white hair, and such a light shade of blue for her eyes. But what shocked her the most was that she had what looked like pure white wolf ears and sharp teeth like K-nines. As she was looking at her reflexion she didn't seem to notice the two male demons approaching her, one of the demons wrapped there arms around her waist. This snapped (y/n) out of her dazed state of mind.

"Get off me!" she turned and pushed the man away from her, accidentally scratching the mans face drawing blood with her new sharper nails.

"Bad Idea Sweet Cheeks~" One of the taller demons said as he took out a pocket knife, flicking the blade out.

(Y/n) had been in many fights before but she didn't want to hurt anyone after the accident, so she always let the other people hurt her. But this time is different, something inside her just snapped. (Y/n) watched as her claws slowly started to appear longer, the man with the knife took this as a chance to attack. Little did he know that (y/n) was a lot more aware of her surroundings in her new form. As the man got close enough to extend his arm to stab her, she was able to grab his arm, digging her claws within his skin. Making him scream in agonizing pain and dropping to the ground in pain, (y/n) took the chance to slight the man's throat, making blood splatter all over her. She sniffed the blood on her hands with her new more sensitive nose, allowing the smell to set in, but she was cut off by a gunshot. Then a loud snapping sound, the snapping of bones? She looked up, but her eyes was starting to go blurry, she was shot, he shot her. All she could see before passing out was a blurry red figure lifting her up and the sound of a chuckle?

3 Days Later

"You think she will wake up?" 

"Hopefully, she was lucky that who ever left her at our doorstep got her here just in time."

'Where are those voices coming from and why can't i move? ', She thinks. 

(Y/n) tried to shift herself within what seemed to be a bed, but when she did that she had a sharp pain in her shoulder.

'Right, that bastard shot me' (Y/n) slowly opened her eyes to see two girls? demons?

The blonde girl noticed (y/n) waking up first, the girl ran over to (y/n) with a big smile. 

"Oh my goodness! You finally woke up! I was starting to get worried that you wasn't." the blonde girl said, another girl walked over and laid her hand on the blonde girls shoulder. 

"Calm down Charlie, she just woke up.

(Y/n) leaned up wenching from the pain but managed. "Charlie?"  

The blonde girl smiled "Yup my names Charlie and this is my bestest friend Vaggie. Welcome to the Hazbin hotel!"

"Hotel? Wait where exactly am I?" Said (Y/n) as she started looking around at her surroundings.

A very tall Demon said while leaning on the door frame. "You're in Hell, sugar tits

(Y/n) eyes went wide "H-hell!?" 

{Hello my lovely stars~! I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, be sure to stick around for chapter 2!}

Little Miss Hard to Get / Alastor x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें