Chapter 16: Exploring the underground and truth of war

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Ruby looked at Michael with a worried expression on her face as she still felt she couldn't kill anyone. Michael then placed his hand on Ruby's right cheek and looked her in the eyes and Ruby looked back at him. 

"But I'm not you... I don't know how you can just live with k-killing people Michael." Ruby replied. "I can't just turn off my emotions whenever I need to." 

"Ruby, I know this can be hard for you but, if you can't kill your enemy they will kill you...and you only get one life." Michael reasoned. "What I have learned in combat is... to save a life you have to take a life... and you are the only person who makes those choses."

Ruby then sighed and looked at the floor as she now had to make the hardest decision in her life, killing someone else. Just the thought of killing made Ruby very nervous. But she then thought about what Michael had told her about killing your enemy first before they kill you. This was war that Michael was talking about and from the way he sounded it was like he had some experience with it. 

"Okay...I'll try." Ruby said.

"No, I don't want you to try I want you to do." Michael corrected. "Now I will ask you this, can you do this?"

"Yes Michael, I can." Ruby answered with a determined look on her face.

"Good, now lets get a move on." Michael said. "Lets find out where those scouts are going."

Ruby nodded and followed Michael out the door that lead into the broken down middle road in the old city. Michael then checked both ways of the street to make sure there were no more scouts coming.

'I wonder if the others notice were gone.' Ruby thought.

Back with the others...

Back at the Marines base the rest of Both team RWBY and MARN with still in there beds sleeping peacefully. Nick was laying straight on his bed, while Alex was sprawled out on his bed snoring a little bit, and Ryan was cuddled up with his M60 as he often slept with a weapon in bed. Weiss was sleeping quietly in her bed, Blake was dreaming about fish, and Yang was like Alex sprawled out on her bed also snoring a little bit. They were all dreaming smoothly until a certain corgi jumped into the window and started barking. 

"ugh... SHUT UP DOG!!" Alex yelled. "I'm trying to sleep!!" Alex then stood up in his bed and threw his helmet at Zwei to which the dog dodged it. 

"Zwei what is the matter?!" Yang exclaimed as she woke up. 

Then Nick woke up annoyed as did Ryan and the girls of Team RWBY. Zwei then ran up to where Michael's bed was and pointed out the missing person from the bed. The Marines then noticed what Zwei was trying to tell them as their WW1 Marine was missing. Then Zwei ran up to where Ruby's bed was and it turns out that Ruby was missing also. Now they knew the reason Zwei was barking at them, it was because 2 of the members of the squad were missing.

"Where are Michael and Ruby?" Ryan asked looking around as Zwei kept barking. "Does the dog know anything?"

"I think he might know." Nick said as he brainstormed an idea in his head. "Little Zwei do you know where Michael and Ruby are?"

"Bark, Bark!" Zwei replied as he jumped up and down and that was the way of saying yes. 

"Well where are they!?" Alex exclaimed as he wanted to know where his WW1 Marine friend was. "I WANT ANSWERS!!!" 

Zwei then darted to the window and jumped out of the building and the group then ran to the window and saw him waiting for them to follow him. With quick think Nick, Ryan, and Alex threw on their gear and got there weapons ready. Nick then thought up of a plan and then put it to action. 

"Alright, Alex, Ryan you 2 go with the rest of Team RWBY and follow Zwei." Nick Ordered. "I'll go get Sargent Major Patterson to mobilize the other Marines."

"Yes sir!" Ryan and Alex replied. 

"Radio to me when you think you know where Ruby and Michael went!" Nick said as he ran down the stairs to get the other Marines Mobilized. After that Ryan, Alex, Weiss, Blake, and Yang ran out the Window and started following Zwei to where he last saw the 2. Nick Meanwhile ran into the command tent to where the Sargent Major was to explain the situation. 

With Alex, Ryan, and team WBY...

The 5 ran as fast as they could behind Zwei as he lead the way to where he had last seen Ruby and Michael. The 2 Marines were desperate to find their missing Marine and the other members of team RWBY they were hopping to find Ruby alright. Then after a short distance run the group came across a hole in the middle of the street and Ruby's weapon was right next to it. The group gathered around the hole in wonder how it got there.

"Now what do we have here?" Ryan asked as he looked down the hole. "Where did this giant thing came from?"

Zwei then barked more and more also jumping up and down and also pointed his nose down the hole. It was then starting to make sense to everyone to where the 2 had gone.

"So our 2 other members are down there huh dog?" Alex asked and Zwei barked in agreement. "Okay so our 2 friends fell down there." 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Yang asked. "Lets go!" 

"Well use this though." Alex said pulling out a rope and then tying it to a stable enough light post. "Ladies first."

"Good thinking Alex!" Yang said and winked at him in which Alex looked away and blushed a little. 

"It is nothing Yang just basic training." Alex said still blushing a little from Yang's wink.

"I'm sure they taught a lot more, then that." Yang commented. "Lets go!"

Yang jumped onto the rope and started sliding the hole with Blake and Weiss soon following not too long after. 

"I hope Michael is okay." Ryan muttered before climbing down the hole.

"Only one way to find out." Alex added and then climbed down the rope to the underground city below them. 


And I think that will do it for now!

Sorry if this book has not been updated in a while! I hope this made up for it!

I Hope you all liked it! It is building up to something big I assure you all!!

Anyways I have a couple story ideas that I will post later in the week.

One of them is a WW1 x GATE Crossover (And thus the Allied powers fought there!)

Another is a Hogan's Heroes x RWBY crossover (When People from another world end up in a POW Camp)

And a finally one that was suggested is a Modern US Carrier strike group is transported back to 1942 and they have find a way back. 

Anyways let me know if any of these story ideas peek your interest and which one do you want to see uploaded first!

And as always... Stay tuned for more!

Marines in Remnant (US Marines x RWBY Crossover)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon